Chris Harris would be more Clarkson- ish, being the best driver of his group tends to develop some snobbery. Reid is more May, can he really even drive? Although James May is no longer the old Capt Slow.
Dude. They sell these on eBay all day long. They should have just outsourced.
Opening Days one of my favorite event’s of the year.
I hate unnecessary apostrophe’s!
Easily you’re best post. Todays been great.
Imagine how much fun it was to cheer and boo at a puppet show when you were a super little kid. Now imagine that you can still get that feeling via a semi improvised action adventure stunt show as you age.
I think it’s his hobby, not a job.
Yeah. It’s incredible that both of the following are simultaneously true:
They already do that. The big programs are already spending money whoever they can to get a competitive edge. That money just goes to anything and everyone except the actual players who win the games.
They barely have enough to pay Strength coaches six figure salaries.
The fact that so many people are willing to believe the athletic departments are poor is exactly the reason they spend all their money on gold-plating and administrative salaries, then cry poor.
You do realize that’s for the programs as a whole, not specific revenue generating sports, right? And that even then the Washington Post series on that illustrated how most of that is because of superfluous spending and bloated AD department salaries.
Schools are paying coaches $9 million per year. I don’t think we’re talking about anything new here. Hell, the football stadium has the potential to completely end athletics at Cal.
Basically, amateurism has always been a cynical sham.
* Schools don’t have to pay an extra cent if they don’t want to. Schools that attract the best athletes have boosters dying to pump money into the program.
They’re ways for universities, many of whom are in mid-sized cities without professional sports, to make money and, I don’t want to make you faint or anything, but Universities often engage in commercial enterprises.
It’s worth talking about why the concept of amateurism exists in the first place.
Something to do with The Hitchhiker’s Guide... 4 / 2 - kinda like 42. How about “Don’t Panic” on the hood in large friendly letters?
Amazing. I’d love to see a flaming winged Detlef Schrempf on an AMC Pacer.