That’s it. The ultra gracious way she accepted that ruling last year was textbook killing them with kindness.
That’s it. The ultra gracious way she accepted that ruling last year was textbook killing them with kindness.
Example: I asked my very rigid boss if I could leave an hour early for a doctor’s appointment. She told me to take an hour of sick time along with a reminder that the work day is 9-5. Okay then. A few weeks later, she asked me an urgent question on Saturday of a three day weekend. I responded to her first thing…
Same for the artists and musicians I know. I think the social media atmosphere amplifies the impact of negative critique. Once upon a time if you couldn’t handle negative reviews you could just not read the media reviews came in, but now social media delivers them directly to you, and your fans are usually so mad…
Munn’s call-out was overblown and unfairly targeted and kind of eye-roll-y, I agree, but fashion criticism like this definitely has its problematic aspects that are worth discussing. It is true that women’s appearances, in our culture, are up for public critique in a way that men’s are not. I don’t think that that…
It’s dumb and incredibly bitter. They are pretty honest about their struggles, which I think most people appreciate. I’d rather read about that than be forcefed some fairytale bullshit about how perfect everything is for them all the time. They are public figures... so, yeah. Sometimes these moments are public. Did…
They’re also incredibly open about the fact that couples counseling has been a big part of their relationship since day one, which is refreshing.
Subject (and strange choice of target for scorn) aside, this isn’t even an article. There’s no through line, no theory, no point you ever get to. It’s just a collection of quotes from people with no underlying theme to hold it together. What was your conclusion after listening to all these interviews and podcasts?…
I may be mistaken, but I believe these two do a decent amount of charity work. I also greatly appreciate his openness about his struggles/anxiety. This is dumb.
So, since this is only your second post ever, I'll just gently say that you've had a rough start. Try something more substantive than tearing down pretty nice people for clicks next time.
Did these people kill your puppy or something? I cannot fathom getting so worked up about the relationship of two people you’ve never met.
and because its male lead, Hardin Scott,
was stylized after One Direction heartthrob Harry Styleshas a name that sounds like ‘hard-on’
This is the same system that ruled that teenage girls are too immature to decide to get an abortion (but not too immature to raise a child, I guess). Boggle away. Drink until you die.
I wish the aliens from xenomorph were real so that we could impregnate every single person against safe legal abortion with the alien baby and make them carry that shit to term till it tears out their fucking chests.
This whole antiseptic-chic thing needs to fucking die.
Say what you will about their antiseptic digs, those two make some beautiful babies.
This idiot did so much damage to the credibility of any racially motivated assault charges fr YEARS. he might be clean here, but the court of public opinion should (metaphorically) leave his fool self out to dry.
I’m far from a CPD fan, but I believe they did exemplary detective work in this case. They knew they were under enormous scrutiny, so were very careful to pull together a well-documented case. The SA Kim Foxx is one who screwed the pooch. Based on her behavior during the Oscars (hanging out in LA at some glittery…
This is typical Chicago—if you have clout, they make the charges disappear. A few years back, the mayor’s (Daley) nephew actually killed a guy during a street fight. It took years for the victim’s family to even learn who killed him, much less press for prosecution.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay but he did fake that shit