
...unless you’re James Gunn, amirite, Cernovich?

Yeah, Ill bet the inside of those plastic gloves were totally nasty and unfit to eat off of.

“You’re triggered; I merely seek justice.”

Republican who just got finished calling for reporters to be executed en masse:Oh, where is the civility???

Love that Sun Kuwong/Monkey King cosplay. That cant possibly be a skateboard, can it? That would be insanely dangerous.


Oh yeah??!?2 How many holes have YOU dug yourself into, (litany of obscene insults)?

Yeeesh. I’ve been wondering if there was something in the water causing this epidemic of trumpkins climbing over each other to ruin themselves with public I’m-not-racist-but-yeah-I’m-actually-totally-racist-hurrr-hurrr-hurrrr outbursts like this. (Sure, they’re trumpkins and this is the Reign of Dotard, but do they not

Just imagine what they’d do to you if you wore swastikas!

Jason Miller’s got a head he clearly isn’t using...

A bill changer at the train station gave me two-thirds of a five-dollar bill, so I took it to the bank. They replaced it, but the clerk gave me a pissy look that would have been almost worth the five bucks. Service!

Oh my god...what would the congregation say about ME if they found out??? You must never say another word about this!!”

Whats a Sarah Pa—ohhhhhh, right, I remember now. Hosts the occasional streetwide riot in front of her meth lab, right? Has the daughter who specializes in lectures about abstinence pregnancies? Talks about instilling values between family bail hearings?

The really funny part is that Garrison is indignant because the cartoon Ron-Ron posted isn’t his; a “troll” ‘shopped his name onto it. LIKE THE CRAP HE ACTUALLY DOES IS SOMEHOW BETTER


I quit reading Bloch’s Psycho II during the flashback to the Tijuana donkey show and just skipped to the ending, and then threw it away in disgust. With its ridiculously elaborate setup, preposterous “twist” ending and nothing whatsoever of value in between, it’s basically an overrated novelization of the most

Saying Donald Trump is a “shitty father” is like calling Darth Vader “bad with kids.” He’s a criminal monster. Don’t help normalize him by playing him off as Homer Simpson.