Surprise Puma

Crenshaw needs to look at this situation with more depth. His vision is clouded by his wallet and the political blinders he wears. His insistence that we rely on the ongoing extraction of fossil fuels is just a patch on the problem of global climate change, a looming problem he just can’t seem to focus on. We need

I think it’s a relative thing. For example, while nobody can look down on Pesci’s butthole in My Cousin Vinnie, it pales next to Tomei’s butthole.

Still, you can’t argue that the technology hasn’t improved vastly in the last few decades. The purely CG buttholes of the 90s were too distracting by far. I grew up watching Harryhausen’s stop motion buttholes and I have to say, I’m a purist. I love a practical butthole.

Joe Pesci’s butthole was transcendent in Martin Scorcese’s The Algorithm.

I’m guessing Q has some hypothesis to explain it, but I’ll beg you not to go looking in order to preserve your sanity. 

I’d totally watch and laugh at Kevin Sorbo awkwardly kicking monsters or something while shouting

He’s one step away from being fully socialist, so I’m comfortable with his liberal credentials. The racist credentials though...well, they seem to be pretty solid too, sadly. 

I thought you were going a different direction here. I was 100% ready to co-sign deepfaking Peter Cushing’s face on the character. 

Re: LW3, I never realized Zodiac Motherfucker was the jealous type. 

I did not realize Rob Liefeld worked in the medium of fleece. I also did not realize I needed this blanket until this very moment. 

Physically and emotionally abusive, alcoholic centaur warriors who can’t get a FUCKING GUILD SPOT because all the gods-damned PANSEXUAL LIBERAL SATYRS came here and TOOK ALL THE GOOD JOBS, VICKI, so cut me SOME FUCKING SLACK!  

I’m thinking no, but oddly enough his desert-dwelling ne’er-do-well brother Spike’s nipples not only talk, but command humans to commit murder. 

The numbers don’t lie. The talking nipples might. 

Radio country is terrible, but I tend to think that about most radio pop. I’ve found a few new country artists I like through the internet though. The Carolina Chocolate Drops and Dead South are two I had never heard on the radio, but regularly listen to now thanks to YouTube algorithms. 

But then they missed the landing by making it a multi-ethnic and (though my memory might be failing me here) largely apolitical cult rather than a band of right wing, racist, religious zealots. I was SO excited to be going after a Bundy militia stand in group when I bought the game, then SO disappointed to end up

That setup would go a long way toward explaining why he’s later a super spy who insists on introducing himself by his full, legal name (assuming we’re not going with the “JB as a code name” angle). 

Snoopy Show will most likely be a half-hour and will feature a dog, possessing 8-10 nipples (assuming no accidental amputations). Talking Teats will likely be an hour and will feature one human woman, presumably possessing two nipples (again making assumptions about an absence of accidental or medical removal, as well

He went with Netflix.