Ephen Stephen
Ephen Stephen
His objection has nothing to do with actual sexism. It's just fellow vegans circling the wagons.
It's safe because it's only water!
Funny how people who might otherwise laugh at creationists and so on fall for this hippie pseudoscience garbage.
I'm honestly kind of pissed next season won't be hard sci-fi.
That was devastating. I love this season's reformulation of the show as bleak Russian literature.
I only got though 1079 pages before I was like "fuck this" and put it down.
Is there some reason you folks never list Cosmos?
I wish they'd come out and embrace their cultural milieu the way Continuum does. Canada is the setting for some fine teevee these days. No reason to be shy about it anymore.
What? What are you—?
Henry's not a bad person. It's his parents, alright? He learned it by watching his parents!
Olenna definitely palms something as she fiddles with the necklace. I think we have a winner here.
Michael Mann: "It’s a very common act, to have died."
Only problem I had with the episode is that ARPANET was never really a secret. Sure, it was used for some official government communications and the Soviets couldn't just tap into it from anywhere, but their contacts in academia would definitely have known about it. By '83, when the military split off into their own…
Something something something something
Something something something something
Quantum Leap, obviously.
This show. Man, this show. So full of detail. I keep making these small observations that bear fruit much later on. From the start I've been wondering whether Fuller is deliberately referencing the infamous Sensation exhibition in the title sequence and this episode goes ahead and makes the reference explicit with the…
Love Me, I'm Trying
It's silly to argue tabletops and RPGs have nothing to do with each other when D&D itself evolved out of a tabletop game. It's more like a continuum and games like 40K are much closer to the RPG end than, say, Axis & Allies.
Kiss my BASS