
I fucking know what 40K is you nerd. Dude who ran the all night laundromat in Allston used to let us take over the basement and we'd watch the tabletop guys do their thing while we played Shadowrun or whatever. 40K was an RPG in the sense that people invented elaborate backstories for their figurines and armies — and

Any of you fucking pricks move, and Hannibal will execute every motherfucking last one of you.

There was a time (pre-web) when being a nerd pretty much guaranteed you were into some kind of RPG, whether it was D&D, Cyberpunk, Warhammer 40K, etc., along with all the other nerd stuff (like fucking Diplomacy… the ultimate nerd boardgame). It was lonelier and sweatier then and nerds tended to huddle together in

Nothing about his show is that intense.

Home of the $2 lap dance

Clearly you are not a nerd.

LOL at the comically oversized character sheets.

DFW: "You drink that drink! Alcohol has been a social lubricant for thousands of years. What do you think, you're going to sit here tonight and reinvent the wheel?"

"I still can't feel my mouth — did a little bit dribble out?"

Don Hannibal, a cenar teco
M'invitasti, e son venuto

Lack of information-sharing drives me up a wall.

Aw yeah man, I… I see cocaine and I just shit my pants.

Now let's have a look at that mole.

“In all honesty, when you talk about ‘the gay community,’ you are talking about MY community.”

Gaping hole… begging for it… meh.

*koff koff koff koff*

My only complaint is that the show pussied out on putting a number on the size of the observable universe, which the Museum of Natural History (where NDT is a director) famously gets wrong in an exhibit, which is why I have a fucking meltdown every time I visit.

Watch out guys, we're dealing with a badass over here.

He didn't find Jesus, he found Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Are you watchin' me sleep?