

Yeah, that bit with the owl is when I realized this show is really something special. Of course from now on I'm going to be obsessed with finding the stuff that's going on just outside the camera's focus.

Gotta think gotta think… how did they do it in Primer? Look up stock quotes and avoid your clone? Got it!

See? And that's my point. What the fuck is the point of "learning from history" if we are unable to confront our own problematic behavior?

For modern examples of how much ordinary people in a democracy are willing to accept, see drone strikes, rendition, torture, permanent kill lists, NSA spying, etc.

Tell my wife 'hello'.

"I thought…
Aren't we gonna…?

I like the butt-flap.

I'm with you. It's not a shocker that the criticism came from a 13 year old's friend.

So this is real? When I saw the trailer I thought I was in the throes of a fever dream.

I love that Abed has the same shit on his DVR that I did.

Sounds like another Mars 2112

That scene in Detroit was nightmare fuel.

"I'm a 31 year old model: my last job was for a phone sex line and I was the one calling."

Some possibly interesting and/or disastrous upcoming films not included in the list above: Transcendence, Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, Edge of Tomorrow, Dumb and Dumber To, The Lego Movie, Jupiter Ascending

My overwhelming feeling upon finishing tonight's episodes was one of relief. I guess the negativity surrounding the show last season affected me more than I thought.

Our opinions about pop culture are fed to us by machines designed to criminalize our autonomy

I want to hate this choice but Enlightened really was a kick to the nuts. It's impossible to avoid getting emotionally involved.

Last picture reminds me of the ending to Brazil.

No, you're not crazy. The show definitely implies the guy is from the intelligence community. I think his reference to Waldo as a global entertainment product is a euphemism for the CIA going in and manipulating elections around the world.