
My current wife agrees.

"I wish my colonoscopy was this clean."

I got the joke. It failed, however, because the cast sucked.

Crazy ideas aren't limited to people who live in mom's basement. A shocking number of brilliant people, including Nobel laureates, have gone on record with batshit crazy ideas.

Exactly. I was kinda expecting crazed geniuses and not the sad group of schlubs the film gave us. One guy even got distracted by his kid in the middle of the movie!

Big ups to No, The World's End, Upstream Color and 12 Years a Slave. Gravity should have been on the list as well.

We get the public intellectuals we deserve: Nancy Grace, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and so on.

Yeah… where's his iconic slave role?

Yup. I can understand Carrie losing perspective but Saul's been cold as ice all season and now he gets in touch with his moral center? I feel like this is the writers realizing they've done too good of a job painting Saul as a villain and trying to walk it back a bit.

Really great finish to the season. This was one of those episodes where you know what's coming but you keep re-running the scenarios in your head to see if there might be a way out anyway. The very end of the episode had a vintage Michael Mann vibe.

You nailed it. Forgetting about the show for a minute, the hacky partisanship of the OP's comment — and its apparent support among fashionably pseudoliberal hypocrites on this very site — is absolutely galling. The headline out of the Mideast when the OP was bearing down on that self-righteous turd was that a US drone

muchmo is accusing the writers of being crypto-fascists so enough with the nonsense about me going overboard. If you're going to make bold claims about authorial intent you betta be prepared to back that shit up with actual material from the show — as I have done. All I've gotten from you two are vague generalities,

I ran into some 'professional' pooh-ahs at a party once — like they were famous online and a couple had books out. There were beautiful women everywhere but these guys preferred to congregate in a distant corner and talk shop. It was weird.

You are completely failing to grasp any nuances in the show. Post-bombing Saul is a different man, akin to the S1 Carrie who was determined not to miss another big plot. It's not about ego or careerism (and you know I wasn't making that claim), it's about Saul's belief that he is absolutely in the right and his

What righteous cause exactly? The writers have Saul repeatedly bragging that this is the biggest intelligence coup in history — it's all about justifying the agency's existence. His cause isn't even heroic or righteous to his own team: Fara's ready to bump off Javadi, Quinn's ready to quit in disgust, Carrie just

So when Saul's asset goes on a rampage and brutally murders two innocent people, and Saul directs his team to cover it up so he doesn't have to sacrifice a pet project that no longer has anything to do with the Langley bombing, and over which no one outside of Saul's Personal Intelligence Agency has any oversight —

Incorrect. Boardwalk Empire is a great show.

Thing is, when I got hooked in S1 I saw Homeland as a modest spy drama with a good cast and not as the second coming. Aside from some badly played shots on the back nine of S2, the show has largely delivered. A lot of the criticism appears to be leveled at the convoluted tradecraft and murky political messaging, which

So much batshit crazy tonight. Couldn't get over the witches and their scary teeth. Truly awful intercourse all around.

Carrie goes rogue so often now that if Carrie were to fail to go rogue this itself would be going rogue.