
FFFuck you Saul!

But its not really five or six out of hundreds of films a year, it's five or six out of maybe a dozen big budget popcorn movies. Factor in the now epidemic levels of rebootification and even die-hard fans are getting whiplash. A Hulk or Batman or Superman or Spidey movie used to be fuck yeah but now everything's

TSCC was cut down in its prime just like Alphas and a gazillion other promising shows. Its cancellation only underscored the reality that high-concept, high-budget sci-fi television with staying power comes along once a decade if we're lucky (the 90's were a lovely fluke).

You can lead a horticulture…

Yeah, fuck Real Sex gently with a chainsaw. Real Sex and its ilk are the reason everyone thinks all poly/kinky/swinger/etc people are, like, weird and maladjusted and white and uggs. It's like filming a doco on gays but never leaving the Castro. As an erstwhile chronicler of various sexual subcultures I can assure the

Izzat really specific to Rush though, or is it prog rock in general?

Next episode is called "Ironic" and it's not ironic at all!

This show is all gay code.

I laughed when Swamp Thing calmly took Ichabod's hand and waltzed out of the crawlspace.

Girls think sexy!

How hard is it to roll out for a couple months until you iron out the many, many kinks? Practically every other decently run site does this but instead you guys chose to nuke AVClub from orbit. It fucking grinds my gears that for a whole week now I haven't been able to pull up a simple reverse

"You are… you're a beautiful shitter."

Erin Wray's appearance was a dagger through my heart. RIP Alphas.


"Take the shot!" I yelled. Didn't feel bad about until she was in the ambulance and still trying to contribute.

The scheme hatched by Carrie and Saul added everything to the storytelling. It was 'realistic' in that it cleverly capitalized on Carrie's troubled history with the agency; it kicked off a major operation that moved a number of plot points forward; it involved real dangers and consequences; it brought out good acting

I love that we've seen the *inside* of a vagina (during masturbation no less!) yet it's not even a given that the show will eventually incorporate vulvas and penises.

The show's intriguing, but there's a certain wow factor missing from Almost Human's 2048. The ubiquitous laser pointers on the guns are silly. I'm kinda shocked they don't have self-driving cars since we already have self-driving cars. Likewise with everyone lugging around smartphones and tablets when we're already on

I would walk 500 miles… to Ben's birthday
Ben thugs-n-harmony
A FEW GOOD BENS (You can't handle this birthday party!)
Wyatt Ben Can't Jump
Four Weddings and Ben's Birthday

No high school French class is complete without a showing of Au revoir les enfants. It's probably what turned me into such a foreign film nerd.