
I learned a lot about the dangers of itchy sweaters. That skin rash looked horrible.

Give the writers some credit here. This ep sees Coulson's worries about Tahiti come to a head even as his own team challenges him about the secrets he keeps from them. During the penultimate scene he asks May to perform an off-book investigation after reviewing Skye's report, having reached the limit of what he can

He got sodomized by the handsome barman.

It's actually not that hard to come up with something that's plausible, impressive and easy for the audience to follow. 24 and Ghost in the Shell come to mind — a combination of human intel, out of the box thinking and frantic typing. Even the first ep of Black Mirror contained a brilliant and simple little hack.

"We think he's going to ask about Skye's parents…"

God that was brutal — like watching the Twilight Zone while on a bad mushroom trip. I think that ep might have been brilliant but right now I just want to hug the toilet bowl like our dear PM did.

The drone dress killed my suspension of disbelief. It led to a contractors on the Death Star type of conversation.

Spot on. People in the queer/poly/kink/etc communities are not above assuming their individual sexual preferences can or should apply to everyone. I've had too many infuriating conversations with friends and acquaintances about how so-and-so isn't doing their sexuality right.

I love the show's recurring motif of the Headless Horseman as Terminator, complete with the iconic shotgun. If he gets his hands on a mini-gun the town of Sleepy Hollow is in serious trouble.

"I mean I don't call your wife a bitch — okay I have called her a bitch before buddy."

Yeah, the overarching themes Sonia references in the penultimate graf have been there from the start so I don't get her complaint.

It's not anesthesia it's anaesthesia! It's not aluminum it's aluminium!

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, written while Le Carre was still working for MI6.

How do I make my wife scream while I'm having sex?

I completely agree. How can a rarely-attempted homage to one of the greatest spy novels of all time be considered cheap and hollow, especially when it had most viewers genuinely fooled? TVDW's reviews would greatly benefit from a little knowledge of the spy genre.

It's that killer sequence of excessive early buzz followed by missteps followed by the soft bigotry of lowered expectations. Same thing happened to The Killing, which turned in a great third season that very few of the people who'd already bailed wanted to watch. This is why I'm hoping The Americans and Orphan Black

To be honest though, the disasters had more to do with the Space Shuttle program being a gigantic pile of shit than with the inherent dangers of space travel. If it hadn't been for the Stupid Shuttle and the resulting Apollo budget cuts we'd be angry today about rich twats orbiting Mars rather than making piddling

LOL at Nick's snarky reply to Hank questioning the restaurant's involvement: "All we have is two people who ate there, climbed trees, and blew up," and his raised eyebrow at Monroe's hammy overacting when they were trying to get the killer to confess.

A little episode trivia: The woman with the stillborn baby is played by Meg Steedle, also known as Billie Kent from Boardwalk Empire season 3. And yes, I kinda have a thing for her.

"Calling Dr. Bombay! Calling Dr. Bombay!" would have been a better choice methinks.