
If at first you don't secede…

I think it's actually Hardjaw McBlast.

There's nothing at all technically wrong with megajoules. It's a minor quibble but a lot of shows/movies like to stack arbitrarily large numbers in front of intermediate SI prefixes to make things sound more impressive or something. But if you're jargoning anyway there's no reason not to use the most compact SI units

Ugh at Agent Beefcake rocketing through the upper troposphere like Iron Man. Ugh at the wunderkinder developing a treatment for an alien disease in a couple hours and showing us that SHIELD's vast worldwide network of scientists is useless. Ugh at 2,000 megajoules (while harping on antiserum) — my SD card stores over

My number one teevee pet peeve is fully clothed strippers. Use camera tricks or whatever but don't pretend the show exists in some alternate universe where people basically pay to see strippers gallivant about in beachwear. Totally takes me out of the moment, dammit!

God, that aborted orgy scene was brilliant.

Yup. In my entirely unscientific survey of people I know who've actually written a novel, it seems to come down to having an almost obsessive need to get a particular idea out of your head and give it substance. The rest is mechanics.

Ichabod's "time to die" speech was great. I half expected him to release a dove at the end.

I chuckled at "commit suicide" being included in a list of typical teen activities. I know what you were getting at, but as written it sounds hilarious.

It was great fun to see Van Alden go full Walter White in this episode.

I was squeezing some ketchup onto my fries at precisely the moment Adalind's donor corpse 'ripened' and that red paste started oozing out. Needless to say I lost my appetite.

I'm not sure I'd classify this as hateful, or categorically state that blackface and other patently offensive humor is never acceptable, but it does seem to have become a lazy way to get an easy laugh — and it's sometimes an uncomfortable reminder of a show's intended audience.

The Wire was, of course, brilliant but in terms of the ensemble I wasn't super excited about the dock characters and the newsroom characters. Boardwalk just feels like it has more balls in the air in terms of characters I care about. It's close though so I can't really argue.

Sadly, I would pay to see that movie.

The Oprah/Opera gag just may have been a very clever reference to the first 1980's promo spot for the Oprah Winfrey Show, which played on the public's confusion over her (then) unusual first name. At some point during the spot a Pavarotti lookalike pops out and sez "Opera?" and someone else says "No! OPRAH!" Some shit

If you like what you see here I recommend you rent Lost Highway immediately.

Boardwalk must have the deepest bench of any show in television history. Here we have easily the best episode of the season and the writers didn't even need to reach for obvious fan favorites like Van Alden, Harrow, and Capone. This season is a seminar on quality ensemble television. I am simply stunned.

Road House!

All of the anomalous found-footage clips in Noroi (The Curse) are unbearably frightening, especially the one that takes place in the woods. That movie had me looking over my shoulder for days, even in broad daylight.

That infamous scene from Audition gets me every time: kirikirikirikiri