
For those who live in the UK or have access to, *ahem*, sources, Misfits is back and it's as hilarious and demented as ever.

It's the smartest and the dumbest fuckin' show I've ever watched.

This show was my hate-watch last season but I have to give these guys credit for nuking everything that made long stretches of S1 a drag.

I facepalmed at "I've been made!"

I loved the bit where Terry hoists Peralta into the air like a toddler. The physical comedy in this show is second-to-none.

It makes perfect sense. KP sees himself as a philosopher and an artiste. He makes it quite clear in the voice-overs that his career in sports related shit is just a springboard for some awful, beautiful thing he wants to do once he has the world's attention. He doesn't simply want to put his dick in a stripper's ass,

"I'm not paying you to babysit your own children George Johnson!"

Double twist: The girls reanimate Harley.

Oh okay… apologies then! I forget sometimes that my sarcasm can come across better in my mind than it does on the page.

Oh fuck off. It was entirely tongue-in-cheek.

The show's far from great but I'm reminded that I found the first half season of Alphas insufferably banal and we all know how that turned out. I thought tonight's ep was a step up. I chuckled a couple times and I'm a little less annoyed by the Lab Twins and Action Man. If they tie the missions into a larger theme and

Sarcasm removed. Please stop calling my parole officer!

I want to slash this show's gorgeous throat.

I see what I did there.

I lost my shit during the "baptism" scene at the end when Crane is underwater and the LUF-TENANT is shouting at him to hurry up. Hurry how exactly? Be under the water… more? Stop moving… faster? Baptize… harder?

"Are you a doctor?"

I kind of disagree about the potential danger in Nucky's encounter with Sally. She's a somewhat mysterious and well-connected badass who knows how to handle a shotgun. Nucky was looking vulnerable and out of his depth, and there were several things going on behind the scenes that could yet turn his Florida venture

Sweet Jesus, this season features a creepy racist couple tricking a black man into a bizarre non-consensual sexual encounter, after which the lady accuses said gentleman of rape, after which she herself is brutally assaulted and slain, and ONLY NOW does the show push your buttons?

I loved the Gibsonesque vibe to the episode. The street finds its own uses for things.

They faked us out and killed off the white kid. As horrifying as the scene was, I LOL'ed.