
Wow. This throwaway theme episode was better in concept and execution than anything the networks have aired in years. I… litrally… died with laughter while simultaneously having the biggest boner ever.

I rarely make it a point to watch Raising Hope but when I do I'm never disappointed. This really was an excellent episode.

Blake Lively gives me a serious case of celebrity amnesia. I mean, I've seen her work and people blab about her constantly but every time her name comes up I have to google that shit just to recall what she looks like and who the fuck she is. My brain just refuses to retain this info.

Abed: "The animals are the patients."

I was laughing so hard my mouth felt like a spaceship.

+1 for Flowery Twats, mostly because I chuckled when I saw this anagram as a kid and my parents gave me a funny look.

Give me some rope
Tie me to dream
Give me the hope to run out of steam
Somebody said it can be here
We could be roped up, tied up, dead in a year

Hey baby, have you ever done it in a hayloft filled with the rotting flesh of the undead?

"Who coulda known your Kaiser would chicken out so soon?"

I'm looking forward to the inevitable spinoff series… Van Alden: Asshole.

I loved the (lack of) special effects for the time skips. A lesser show would have overplayed its hand with CGI. If I hadn't been watching live I might have assumed my video player was acting up. Perfectly done.

This review is all gay code.

"Yay! Sex!"

"To put it in terms that its titular character would appreciate, “Cece Crashes” sends a lot of mixed signals."

Cool guys don't look at explosions.

The device the bartender used looked like a 3D printer, which is already on the verge of being feasible tech in the for-reals world. But nonetheless, why would he have one and not the super-hi-tech hospital and science lab?

Two data points for your consideration. One, my wife fell asleep during several S1 episodes but this season we've both been excitedly commenting and sometimes yelling at the screen (did you SEE THAT SHIT!). Two, Richard Harrow was one of the best things about S1 and this season he's seeing a lot more screen time. Just

"I'll need these [condoms] on the road. God willing I'll have time to slide them on my attackers."

Haha I know. I was yelling as much at the teevee — my wife was amused. I'd love to see a 'webisode' about the bedroom negotiations.

So Peter's already nailed two versions of Olivia and now he's on the verge of nailing a third. Holy hat-trick Batman!