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And by 'used car dealership' you mean your bunghole.

I have the weirdest boner.

What does that great big horsey gape of a grin portend?

Agree. She's on the verge of going full retard.

The having? No. The suggesting? Hells yes!

This episode must have set a record for the number of (non) uses of the word penis. Also, I have a new television pet peeve: A guy with his pants around his ankles and two hot semi-naked chicks in his room who doesn't at least *hint* at a threesome by cocking his eyebrow suggestively.

I keep thinking he's Wilfred sans the dog suit. Even his attitude is the same.

Law & Order: Jurassic Victims Unit

I just upped your credit score, overclocked your computer and put my number in your phone. Please call me.

Yessir. The show was already off to a strong start, but it's been great to watch Brody and Carrie interact over the last two episodes. They seem so at ease with each other that I'm shitting bricks waiting for the other razorblade-filled shoe to drop.

This show just doesn't work without Stewie and Brian.

In my household, You-can't-tell-me-not-to-see-him! is Thirteen's other nickname.

Plus, he had the best throwaway line of the night: "Even narrative is comforting."

What's bookface?

I like, I like.

Abed is the 'sane' one, and since he's the only character that breaks the fourth wall, the entire show is the product of Abed's fevered imagination. Jeff, being the only one who ever acknowledges Abed's fourth wall commentary, is his audience. Discuss.

See: Bored To Death
