
The Office of Special Affairs sounds like something straight out of the Venture Brothers. The CoS even dabbles in 'Super Science'. Hell, if they gave me a cool codename, let me dress in costume and paid for gigantic fake titties I might be tempted to join up!

This episode had me at "want me to put these on and let you watch me while you masturbate?"

I wonder what happened in the other timelines.

I thought the premiere was ridiculously unrealistic. No hot young chick would have that much pubic hair.

They ought to combine this show with House. Tired of his antics, Princeton-Plainsboro constructs a time-space portal and ships Dr. House 85 million years in the past to Terra Nova, where he has to put together an all new diagnostic team to deal with the exotic pathogens their 'moron' doctors can't handle. Realizing

'The line that got the laugh: “Take that, adorable snack.”'
True, but I was so appalled by everything else I was embarrassed to laugh at it. This show is so awful it made me want to down half a bottle of Jameson's and accidentally shoot myself in the head.

If the paranoid delusions of this episode were quiet crazy, I'd hate to see loud crazy!

"No, I think they did release Britta on the table looking disheveled?"

She's only crazy for my penis… I mean cock. Penis penis penis!

It's a black thing.

Teacher Chang was better than security-guard Chang. He's funnier when the crazy isn't cranked to eleven all the goddamned time.

'They're not laughing *with* you, they're laughing *at* you.'

Thanks to this dumb show I had a sex dream about Whitney last night. And her douchey borefriend was there watching me fuck her.

My name is Cleve-lin-brown I have a fam-uh-lee
My name is Cleve-lin-brown I have a fam-AHH-LEE!


No one farted on Community tonight, it was just the stink of this show being in the same lineup.

Totally disagree. Tom Haverford always fancied himself a player with all his networking and hobby projects on the side — his ambition was bound to become an issue at some point. The payoff here will be watching his epic collapse, where Tom becomes the metaphorical (or actual) bum pitching a tent in a ditch while Andy,

Community is one of the few shows on TV wherein the science makes sense.

The Office without Steve Carell is 'The Cleveland Show' to the Office with Steve Carrel's 'Family Guy.'

Chekhov's rug.