
Shaming the poor for having small ticket tech items has nothing to do with “personal responsibility”; it’s about distracting from the fact that many, many people will lose healthcare coverage- which costs a hell of a lot more than a cell phone- with a dog-whistling, dehumanizing caricature of poverty. This is like

Because assuming the reason one person can afford health insurance (typically just because of the job they have) and another person cannot is really because the person without insurance is a fool with their money is a bullshit rationalization?

A smart phone is no longer a luxury item. It’s almost a necessity.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film) also had stakes but it still sucked.

Psych’s Polarizing Express and Community’s Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas should both count and make the cut.

A Christmas Carol is the best Dr. Who Christmas special. Hands down, I will fight you on this, and win.

Turns out it’s mindfuckery launched his way by an ancient cabal that would just love to be rid of Buffy.

As much as I love David Tennant, you’ve picked what is legitimately the worst Doctor Who Xmas special. Matt Smith’s Christmas Carol is awesome, and last year’s Husbands of River Song was great.

I’ve never liked Dune. It’s too...sandy. I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.

If you own a house in this town, you’ve been around for a while and have massive equity, are compensated well enough to make the purchase of a semi-fancy car a choice, or both.

Guy 1: “Man this makes me not want to buy their stuff even though I love Porsches”

I was super pumped when we got our first reserved seating history a couple of years ago and even more pumped when the theater we’d been going to before they put that in converted to reserved last year. The new theater is especially nice because they’ve got the little two person boxes to the side, which are great when

“We could indeed buy our tickets online, and get our reserved seats, and show up five minutes before midnight; and for the vast majority of moviegoers, that will be their experience. Sterile, passionless, and without any human interaction. But that is not what the Star Wars experience is all about.”

No, I don’t really think it did. The people that are willing to believe these absurd “news” stories are simply, through those stories, confirming their own biases. They aren’t critical thinkers, and they aren’t actually exploring an issue to become better informed, nor are they really making their decision based on

I would counter that we are not altering the natural selection process - that *is* the natural selection process. The characteristics of the members of a species - including their intellectual capacity, and in our case ability to share knowledge and work as a community - impact the “fitness” of the species to survive.

Fair enough. I didn’t think Shinai were used for Chinese sword work.

Let me get this straight... you’re not supposed to feed polar bears, but this guy fed the polar bears. You’re not supposed to chain your dogs, but this guy chained his dogs. And then when this guy didn’t feed the polar bears, they ate one of the chained dogs. Is that what I’m reading here?

I’ve been watching a lot of Fringe lately, I’d love to travel to that show’s alternate universe and watch all my favorite movies and the sequels that never got made in this one.

I’ve been watching a lot of Fringe lately, I’d love to travel to that show’s alternate universe and watch all my favorite movies and the sequels that never got made in this one.

I wish we all lived in the timeline where these are all real, instead of the horrible one we’re currently in.