
I was at work glancing at the returns with Florida going to Trump and Pennsylvania and the usually Democratic Midwest still not called for Clinton and I started to get worried. Driving home about 9:45 PM, I heard a voice on the radio talking about how Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and it looked like

Most of that half has convinced themselves that either all of this is just being blown out of proportion (“He’ll never really build the wall, he isn’t serious, etc.”), or that it’s worth it for the imaginary political revolution they think is going to happen.

Pretty much. Like I still understand and appreciate that jobs are indeed leaving the West and its tough out there but me and my family came to Canada in 2000 with 8 suitcases and nothing else. My Dad went from a VP position at a agri-business multinational in India to handing customers their keys at a Ford dealership

And it literally gets worse everyday! Everyday you start the day going “there is no way *insert another clown that supported Trump and is a complete asshole* is going to head *insert important US govt dept*” and boom, that happens. At this point if an alien fleet shows up next week to make us all into burger patties

How is half of such an advanced country so hell-bent on going back to the 18th century?

And then.they.kicked.ass.

His comment just adds evidence that this election was not about liberal philosophy versus conservative philosophy, but about the rise of bigotry and the worst qualities of conservatism.

Thanks. All the Trumpites responding with their usual vitriol was starting to make me crazy. You’ve helped me remember that all they’re capable of feeling is anger and resentment.

I just want to say it does my crying heart good to see liberal discussions here. I guess I’ve always been afraid that io9 was frequented by the same misogynistic, homophobic numbnuts who lurk around Ain’t It Cool. (Not sure why I thought that, given that much of the io9 staff seem minded.) I mean, I don’t

I disagree, Pence is Palpatine, sitting in the shadows and calling the shots. Trump is the public face to inspire fear and obedience.

I went to go see Dr. Strange last night to try to take some of the sting out of yesterday’s events, and the last Rogue One trailer played. My friend and I both agreed that this movie couldn’t be coming out at a better time. A message of hope and defiance in the face of overwhelming and seemingly unstoppable evil is

Have to admit, if they’d made him into a moose or a goat I would be upset.

I’m not sure what sickens me more. That we as a people electing a bigoted, racist, sexual predator to the presidency, or the number of people I’ve already seen this morning goading, insulting, mocking, and otherwise “told you so”-ing people who are expressing their outrage, or their sorrow, or their disgust, or their


Everything seems like a huge bummer this morning, even reading the usually enjoyable Morning Spoilers... It’s like someone’s died or something :(

Morning Spoiler: The US is racist and frelled.

Are people still butthurt over Ghostbusters 2016?

Do Walking Dead viewers even read the comics?

I agree it’s very much this. Those kids lives were my life. Born in 82 and a D&D / MTG player I got called ‘faggot’ dozens of times per day despite not being gay (hint, bullies don’t actually care if you aren’t whatever they’re calling you).

Exactly. It was a reflection of the period in the series. But you know how things work nowadays. The slightest notion or act of same sex interaction automatically needs to be gayed or lesbo’d up to pander to the vocal masses.