
That’s the thing. The X-Men movies made bank, but I really don’t think it comes down to much of Singer’s contributions. Last Stand did incredibly well, and Ratner is terrible. There’s almost been this myth built around the X-Men movies and how they were the creation of this amazing guy who REALLY got the source

What strange performance art is this? lol

New Leaf had towns, not islands. Shut up, idiot.

The difference between regular island hopping and dreaming is that nothing that happens in dreams is permanent, so players should feel free to wreak havoc to their hearts’ content.

I watched the UFO one with interest since I spent a couple summers doing theatre out there. I liked it, but I gotta say I really miss Robert Stack’s seedy narration. That always helped sell the stories with his gruff and ominous voice. 

But surely the only reason that she learns what she does is she *isn’t* in a position to do anything? If the Jedi hadn’t basically offered her up as a sacrifice she’d almost certainly have been with Anakin when Palps was captured, sorry, ‘captured’ by the Separatists so doesn’t talk to Maul. By the time she learns the

The Highlander series also had a kid who discovered his immortality during the Civil War. He was a bitter little monster but he also kind of had every right to be.

Now playing

#0: Anakin vs. Ahsoka. Somewhere near the top 10 moments in Star Wars as a whole, as far as I’m concerned.

If this person is sensitive to glutamates, then the solution is not subbing an industrially produced one with a natural one. This person should be avoiding mushrooms, tomatoes, soy sauce, fish sauce, aged cheeses, etc.

you must be in a state of denial. These fucksticks fumbled the story, pacing, characters/development, dialogue, unresolved plot lines... etc. without the books to go off of, these two are talentless hacks who managed to fail upward. Aren’t these the same two assholes that thought making a show about the south winning

God, there was a point in my life in the very late 90's where I’d spend evenings, getting high, down loading mp3's from IRC by the truckload and playing the fuck out of this. Getting that screen and seeing how much of the green would get covered.

Yeah, especially when it comes to feeding a 3 year old fast food.  

I’m just telling you how it is, no artifice or bullshit.

She could have also just said nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sorry, but here is where it actually makes sense. Kids change dramatically in a short period of time. You either have to film it all upfront (which they probably should have done given they made the decision to split the book in half) or risk the audience being pull out of the narrative by the beard stubble on a

You’ve made two falsities here.

You heard it here first:

Switching back to meat will fuck her lower intestines up BAD after this long without animal protein.    

This is it. My partner has side salads all the time. It gets very boring quickly.

I don’t think she’s eliminating salads out of pickiness, but more out of being very tired of always having to get the same thing.