
I really like the character of Adrian Chase but it’s so hard for me to not see him as Billy from Sirens (which is a way underrated sitcom).

So this makes evil Laurel the biggest hero on the show, right?

Should this not be the case?

It’s the most Netflix Marvel thing ever that they literally meet in a hallway fight.

Walton Goggins is a Goddamm national treasure.

I disagree, I think that, at the very least, the actor portraying the villain should be able to sympathize with the character and Justify (Walton Goggins pun!) their actions.

Disney could really teach Disney a thing or two

I’d be willing to bet Yelp’s “random” algorithms start putting more bad reviews on a small business’ homepage if they are unwilling to participate

I like you. You’re a glass half full kind of guy.

I understand your criticism of movie franchises, but I don’t really see how it applies to an article about nostalgia .

There’s like a 98% chance this movie will suck, but i cling to that 2% because the cast is dynamite.

I think this is terrible. Poor Brock, having this guy follow him around, stadium to stadium, all year long. Affecting his accuracy in game after game after game after game after game after game after game

My 10 year reunion is in a week (on Black Friday).

I think you’re probably good to watch these. They usually keep things pretty broad on the crossovers since there are people who don’t watch all of the shows to know all of the story lines.

Warner Bros gains a lot of good will with me for giving such good news in a week which will otherwise be a nightmare.


Tony Stank

This is probably the right call, but it seems a little weird too. Five 13 episode seasons all to culminate in an 8 episode conclusion.

That’s all well and good but can someone explain why this isn’t titled Gears of W4r?