Green Mountain Bear

This episode definitely benefited from “hard” sci-fi, and made me willing to suspend my disbelief that we could go from phermonic arithmetic to 3 dimensional geometry in a couple of minutes.

Dear God, can we stop with the slo-mo team walk cliche?

This entire season feels like a 2-part Next Generation episode... padded out to 13 episodes long.

I am glad that they finally had an episode where they actually sat down and tried to figure stuff out scientifically for a change. When was the last time Star Trek did a good old fashion TOS or TNG style “all the senior

Man these writers have no original ideas. Time travel? Check. Mirror/fascist universe? Check. Borg? Check.

Well Justin Trudeau is constantly calling who disagrees with him a Nazi.

Well Justin Trudeau is constantly calling who disagrees with him a Nazi.”

Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.

Word of advice: If two ladies approach you, run away!

the only pop culture legacy of the first Avatar movie is people asking other people if they remember anything from the first movie. 

No, not like every other Star Trek show. In TNG you had a clear demarcation between imaginary and real science, so that when real science was alluded to it was correctly described, and there was a serious attempt at keeping the imaginary one consistent. You could actually engage kids on exploring the sciencey side of

Wow another galaxy threatening event storyline and only the crew the discovery in the Mary Sue that is Burnham can save it. Such lazy writing on this show. I wish they would at least try something new or different 

For all those reasons and more. Who doesn’t want to see more of a charismatic actor play a good character? It’s not as if her story was completed and they are just going back for a cash grab. We got like 5 minutes of her backstory and then at the end she was “paused” to be brought back later. There is tons more to her

I need the narrative around Platt’s casting to shift from “Is 27 too old to play a teenager?” to “You can’t play a teenager when you look like what would happen if Albert Brooks fucked one of Phil Spector’s wigs.”

LOL, you’re proving the assertion here. Musk doesn’t create things. He buys into them, forces out the actual creators, then self-aggrandizes. He’s a fraud and a charlatan. He’s great at manipulating people with promises he doesn’t fulfill. I mean, half of what you’re listing here are cutesy BS that he does to

My interest in a TV show or movie falls by about 90%, in direct relation to having been informed that JJ Abrams is “attached” to said project. That is also true when I learn that a project is helmed or written by someone in his usual group of collaborators.
I come across something that sounds promising, interesting

Subject to Change is an appropriate title for an Abrams project considering that’s exactly how he approaches plot points/resolutions in long form storytelling.

the weird thing is how they focus on some of the lesser known elements of the book, again, like the yankee stadium masturbation guy. it’s like they understand some of the obscure details, but not the actual point of the story.

Unless they rebrand as WeTelecommute then they’re probably heading towards WeChapterSeven.

“’s hard to justify arresting someone and seizing all of their electronics simply for posting about a protest on Facebook.” Maybe not so hard - it’s an incitement to behavior that is counter to the health of the population during a pandemic. Victoria has been under strict lockdown for a month and she is

So, the premise is 'what if Seveneves, only stupid?'