Green Mountain Bear

As much as I like Aliens, it’s nice to imagine a world where Scott made Alien and that was left to stand on its own. No sequels, prequels or crossovers. Just a horror movie set in space as a single perfect organism. 

That’s a really solid point. Alien works precisely because at every level, what’s going on just rationalism run amok. The crew gets in the situation they do because Mother woke them up prematurely, overriding her protective role on company orders. They’d have flown right by in cryosleep if Mother hadn’t done so. They

The problem with Alien Covenant, and by extension however Scott continues that story is that it plays the Alien story as Gothic Horror rather than Cosmic Horror.

In conversation with the LA Times, Ridley Scott stated he’s considering a third Prometheus/Alien film set to reveal the secret origins of the derelict ship on LV-426— and why its cargo bay held thousands of Xenomorph eggs.

The miniseries set the bar with Blue Oyster Cult.  Massive disappointment if we don’t get cowbells in this series.

Great! More beloved franchises for JJ to ruin:(

Isn’t he a big shot among the Nazis? He probably would do just fine here.

I love how literally every argument here is disingenuous. “Who will decide what is covered and what isn’t?” Well, who decides that now? Would you rather it be public servants who can be voted out or HMO execs answerable to literally no on but major shareholders? “Why would we think the federal government could get

I’m sure the indigenous peoples of America are happy to have their slow, agonising genocide and loss of home put on the same level as the cancellation of a sitcom.

I could quibble with this but...yes, essentially. Although probably less politically prepared to be president than Stein.

I liked the Witch but I have to disagree. This looks like a comedy skit about pretentious art films.

this is getting tiring...
It’s not voluntary if it’s your only choice.

what this whole thing is is cruel as fuck.
For a nation of Jesus asslickers... You’re gonna burn so hard on the next one...

Watched episode 1 tonight, and good lord was it dumb. I knew in the first five minutes the writing was going to be average at best, but kept going because I’m a sucker for spaceship shows, but God damn.

in the world inhabited by these characters, i could imagine the following exchange:

“We’ve been visited by an alien species. We have a craft that can travel faster than light. We’re going to make first contact with these aliens... on their home turf. Now we need to find the right crew.”
“Got it. Let’s send the cast of

That’s nothing! I’ve had five circumcisions. They gave up after realizing they were just making it mad.

So in other words, typical Alani Vargas reporting.

Not enough people have seen this for me to be able to intone “Leave. This. House.” as often as I’d like to.

This movie is very near and dear to my heart. I first saw it as a closeted college student in the late 90s on late night cable in my dorm room, the volume low. I remember the mixture of excitement I felt, that there was a whole world of other gay people, who lived openly and proudly, with a rich culture and so much to

This club has everything: screaming monkeys; explosive vomiting and blood in abundance; a slow onset that guarantees a long wait before an all-clear for those potentially infected; hazmat suits and claustrophobia; Dan Cortez . . .