Green Mountain Bear

Why has it become perfectly acceptable to find ways to work people to death while finding ways NOT to pay them?

That excuse only works if the chef is has equity in the business. Otherwise you’re working slave labor wages to fund someone else’s startup.

Everything, since he has no mouth and he must scream.

Harlan Ellison did something quietly?

Harlan Ellison quietly slips McDevitt his lawyer’s phone number.

“[T]here’s more than a passing reference to books such as Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Margaret Atwood’s Handmaiden’s Tale and J.K. Rowling’s Order of the Phoenix.”

A simple solution: Appoint an independent counsel to investigate the problems at Baylor. I nominate William Jefferson Clinton.

Yes, you are naive.

I love when someone repeats something they read in the comments section of iMore as fact.

I think there’s a distinction between someone being outside the gender binary versus someone challenging it from within. The most significant thing about Frank’s character is that he’s distinctly male, while adamantly rejecting the straight male gender role by systematically breaking every conceivable taboo from

The fact that they confused transvestite for transexual just offends me. I guess you could gender-swapped Frank, but only if the character stayed a transvestite - which is harder to do in a modern context, since most masculine clothing is now coded as unisex (like pants), but not impossible. Have her wear a priest

Do not despair, remember... they can only sort of copy it (badly), they cant really TAKE IT.

How do you know what gender Laverne Cox is playing Frank as?

I still don’t know how to feel about this.

jeebus fucking christ. you want some advice? learn to google shit by yourself.... 🔚