Green Mountain Bear

Didn't Skyline "blow the roof" off of some convention or trade show or other?

I sure hope that someone has the foresight to keep their Macintosh laptop in working order so they can interface with the alien computer and give it a virus. Or something.

Please. Don't tell me you believe in Planet X, too.

Marianne Faithfull, of course.

The War of 1812? The Mexican American War?

Now wait a minute! Palin DID say she could see the iPhone 5 from her window.

The Enquirer was right about the John Edwards mess. Still, I mean—Jeez. This isn't news, it is ghoulish. Last week's Enquirer cover had a sad, sad picture of Elizabeth Taylor. Yeah, I know about the First Amendment, but there comes a point where decency has to come into it. Seeing someone die isn't news that you MUST

The campiness is the saving grace for me.

Please don't let this be as sucky as Skyline....

So it looks like Lost in Space without the space.

@Scimarad: I was almost expecting her to say "When I told you to call me 'Mommie Dearest', I wanted you to MEAN IT!"

Terrible. Until the fahhhhbulous last scene of Jane Badler in her red lizard skin pumps. When she crawled out of that old giant sock, it reminded me of Frank N. Furter stomping his foot to the music in the elevator. I wanted Jane Badler to say "How'd'ja do. I see we've met..."

No energy or resources on Earth, but somehow there's enough to have bright, new, shiny equipment to go to the edge of space (how did they achieve FTL?). This sounds more like a videogame and less like a film. I agree with OgulvyTheAstronomer that the trailer and synopsis are terrible.

Some of the really old (like me) ABC Movies of the Week would be nice, too. They did some interesting sci-fi and horror, such as "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" being redone by Guillermo del Toro,

@SpammerOvTheGods: I hope so. I'm still trying to get the stink of Skyline out of my nostrils.

@Plague: Exactly! I can accept a moderate level of bullshite, I can suspend just so much disbelief. But there's only so much bull I can take per episode.

@Plague: I do hope they give us SOME answers before the last episode this month.