Green Mountain Bear

Please, no Zanti Misfits! When I saw the original (must've been 8? or so) I needed a nightlight for weeks. That was one frightening episode to me.

Was it me, or did the Reality Distortion Field destabilize and flicker out of existence for a few minutes?

@MrAgen10: You ask "What more could you ask for? "

It is almost 3 hours long. That in itself is one strike against it. Audiences these days get antsy at anything longer than 2 hours or so.

OnTrack for Android. I use it to track my blood glucose, insulin usage, etc. I use it many times a day, and love it. It's free, but I'd pay for it.

Reminds me a bit of James Tiptree Jr's "The Women Men Don't See.

January 2011 theatrical release, April 2011 Showtime rotation.

Danger. The Automatic Self-Detonation System has been activated. You now have TEN Minutes to reach minimum safe distance. And have a nice day!

@beetlemier: Stay away. You too, Spinks. Get between me and those abs and you'll both be wet spots on the carpet. I will cut you, bitches!

But you must still use AT&T for the network, right?

Ruthlessly repudiate the running-dog lickspittle lackeys of the idiologically corrupt demon dog American capitalists. And have a nice day!

It wasn't that bad. I mean, no one found a dead newborn in the trash, did they?

I don't know...channeling Michael Kors...Pamela is very mother of the bride, don't you think?

@qbrad: Doesn't the Verizon insurer only supply refurbished phones of the same type? #storm2

I will agree to setting Roman Polanski free if he and the signatories to his petitions can agree to setting all the remaining Charles Manson family members free. Deal?

Check with your insurance agent for association discounts. I get a large homeowner insurance discount because of where I went to college. And because I've got AARP membership, my auto insurance went down almost by half.

My nutritionist said that if you're every shopping without a list, you can't do yourself much harm shopping the perimeter of the supermarket. Produce, dairy, fish/meat/poultry are usually along the peripheral walls.

Pay as you go with Tracfone. We were with VERIZON WIRELESS for almost 10 years(? seems like it). For two phones, it was over $110/month with about 100-150 minutes used between us, and maybe 10 text/picture messages. Verizon tried to get us back by offering us a 550 minute/month plan and one free month. I told them