Oh goody. It’s time for another episode of “Let’s take a one-second reaction from a person and extrapolate from that how she’s feeling.” Most likely it is b/c her father just died. But it could also be because she’s hungry. Or she’s trying not to sneeze. Or because you could take everyone’s look at one moment and…
Weekend Jezebel is the worst Jezebel.
Delete this. I’m embarrassed for y’all.
He used to love steak. Now he doesn’t even enjoy it!
I said “as long as they don’t.” Are you telling me every person there is brandishing a gun and threatening castration? If that is actually the case, and all these protesters are on the edge of extreme vengeance, I retract my original comment.
Turner will have to endure this humiliating protest and live with the shame forever, even if the actual sign-holding peters out in a few weeks.
My mom has been diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder and this woman really reminds me of her.
Her “art”. And the next time a truly homeless person has a breakdown and needs medical attention, somebody’s going to hesitate pulling on that emergency brake and people might just shuffle away with their backs turned, because they’re going to be wary that it’s just another “artist” and their performance “art”.
I agree. Girl ain’t right.
She’ll see more time than a rapist. Wow.
called herself “the most hated person in the world.”
“I’m the worst person in the world!” prankster declares to New Yorkers.
I just saw this on TV in the lunch room. I literally jumped up and shouted, “FINALLY!”
Whenever my mom sees this snake on TV, she says “isn’t he the guy that used to flirt with you and your female reporters when you were a news intern in college,” and I have to say “Yes. He was disgusting.” Glad things haven’t changed since 1998...
Looks like they had “an arrangement” all right. She’s arranged to have all his stuff on the curb outside their apartment by the end of today.
I wondered if this would be the straw. I can’t imagine the bitch sessions she & HRC have, but I’d love to go to one. I’ll bring the wine.