
Assuming she actually had an income tax bill of 1.1 million+, she also got to convert her regular income into capital gains income. She’d pay 23.8% on the depreciation amount vs the 37% she pays now. So essentially the government would pay her $145,000 to buy real estate, though property taxes would eat that up pretty

She does go on to explain that if she sells the property in the future for the same price, she’ll owe taxes on that $3 million again. But until that day, she’s basically getting an interest-free loan from the government.

It’s possible to have rational discourse about abortion. However this law isn’t about regulating abortion or in any degree rational. It asks citizens to be suspicious and report on their neighbors and puts bounties on women’s heads! How can you defend that?!

Fetuses aren’t “children” and abortion, by fucking definition, isn’t fucking murder. Open a goddamn dictionary, fucking anti-woman moron.

There is no right to life.

As I understand it, they did that so no one could sue state officials over enforcing it, and then winked at the Supreme Court and got a nod back.

I mean it’s just nationalism for the most part. Which most American’s like to dress up as “patriotism” because it makes it sound nicer. But nope. It’s nationalism. American’s are so obsessed with telling everyone else that their country is the best that they haven’t noticed how badly it smells.

I’m still at a loss how the law can stand - literally. There’s a concept in legal terms called “Standing” - basically, the bringer of the suit (since it’s not a criminal case, instead a civil one) typically must show that they are an aggrieved party to the action - in essence, the defendants action (or inaction)

The US is ranked 61st in Freedom House’s most recent Freedom in the World report, about on the same level as Romania and Poland. Americans have this weird belief their country is the pinnacle of freedom when it’s not even close.

America. Land of the “free”.

In before “Cancel culture blah blah blah”.

Hascoët was the guy that as Creative Head of all Ubisoft games said that plot and story don’t matter and that AC games can’t and shouldn’t reuse characters like they did with Ezio.

Yves Guillemot not fucking around. Accountability!

Contrast to what happened at Riot, where a couple wrists where the leadership protected themselves and the status quo with a couple wrist slaps.


forgive my lack of clarity. Your post is clearly written to suggest you believe many, if not most, cases are *unlike* this one. My post was in reference to all of them.

The problem with HR is that HR is not your friend. They’re there to look out for the company, not you. The woman who’s been let go probably wasn’t let go because she let the misconduct happen, but because she wasn’t able to keep the information from getting out.

Glenn and Abraham disagree.

What’s even worse is the dumbasses claiming that this virus is either a Chinese bioweapon (that they used on themselves first???)

This crisis has definitely been the end of my ability to give a shit about this nation anymore. What the fuck is there left to defend? We’re tribal, selfish, reactionary, ignorant and more concerned with flexing power than actually being useful.

Just like in popular fiction, the humans are worse than the monsters.