Grizzly Gaymer

The fake bubbles on that guy’s back are ridiculously gross.
All week it’s bugged me.
Fingers crossed it is no longer on sale next week.

The fake bubbles on that guy’s back are ridiculously gross.
All week it’s bugged me.
Fingers crossed it is no

“It was just a prank brother.”
*Stabbing intensifies

That’s an evil Gif you have of a 360 video Andrew.

Is this image supposed to look like a gun?

I recommend the Marijuana strain “Truth Serum” when playing games like rocketleague, as it appears to slow down time but still allow focus.

That’s what I’m doing. I played Zelda all night last night on the Wii u and it was beautiful.

I’m relatively new to computer gaming and have bought some crappy gaming mice.. but I bought that Logitech gaming mouse on sale a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it, and definitely see what the fuss is about. So comfortable and cool!

I’m relatively new to computer gaming and have bought some crappy gaming mice.. but I bought that Logitech gaming

Awesome! Congratulations!
(However I need to know what the question is for 34 across)

Spoken like someone who has never played the game, has only half read articles about said game, and feels that it’s cool to rip on things that others like.

I hope it goes better for you than it has for me.

Thank god.. a post I made using my real name with how hot I thought a big bear actor was will never be associated with me again. Ugh that was embarrassing.

Omg, why am I gray?

I’ve definitely been noticing it, but have been apparently unnecessarily deleting games because of it.

I think you could trick people into thinking that that’s a food printer.

I think you could trick people into thinking that that’s a food printer.

You will be the happiest man, both for storage space and for speed, once you upgrade that hard drive. I have sooooo many games available at a touch. Just do it. I thought everyone who wrote for Kotaku would have done that by now.

Everyone’s jumping on the banddwagon that 2016 was a shit year, huh. Well, I had a great year, it just got a little crappy towards the end.
Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

That photo IS the photo that sends the dad off.

I bought the Pebble to see if I’d like a smartwatch. I loved the Pebble so I bought a smarter watch.. but taking the thing off every day and charging it was ridiculous, so I stuck with my kindaSmart Pebble.

You’ve gotta up the battery life if you want people to actually buy.

They just want to complain about something.. there’s nothing you can do to stop them.

This Super dodge ball were my favorite 2 Nintendo games when I was a kid.