
WAR is a metric of hitter value which is usually, but not always, an indication of talent. Ichiro was one of the most talented hitters alive, but not necessarily the most valuable. He had an inefficient approach to hitting, but completely unique to modern baseball.

Ichiro had a flawed approach in getting the most value out of his at bats, but he is one of the most talented contact hitters ever.

There is a population of Americans who undoubtably dislike her because of her gender, but she has a similar unfavorable rating among women as well. People just don’t really like her, but it’s the choice between a moldy dick cheese, an old moldy dick cheese or a moldy yeast infection. Fuck everyone, Obama 2016.

“You can tell its spiritual, but not preachy. Like, I love the Lord, but I still want to rock out.”

It's good to see convicted felons find work.

It’s like a dating profile. The only determinant is the picture used. Some people have very particular preferences.

Counterpoint: He shouldn't.

Don't spoil it for the show watchers. I read the book, so it won't spoil it for me.

Don't spoil it for those who didn't read the books.

I would argue that she has been a hypocrite on the three stances you highlighted above above. Her stance on gun control and health care has drastically changed over the years and she has historically paid her female staffers $.72 for every dollar she does her male staffers.

Oh good, so I didn’t spoil the Hodor sub plot for you. It gets pretty insane. I read the books, so not to spoil it for any of the other commenters, but Hodor may be a Targaryen.

I read the books, so I don't want to spoil it, but the trolls above the wall do not come down in time to kill Ramsay.

Not to spoil this for anyone who didn't read the book, but Ramsay is killed by Hodor.

It has nothing to do with being a woman. Obama convinced Hillary to step down by offering her the Secretary of State position and a path to a 2016 nomination. Bernie is too old to run in 2020 or 2024, so the only offering she can make (and the only thing Bernie is interested in) is policy reform.

There hasn’t been a position that she has remained constant on since she was First Lady, why stop now.

Do you know why she put her supporters behind Obama? Because he offered her a way to become president. A Secretary of State nomination for one of Obama’s biggest critics? Obama knew that Hillary could prolong the primary and risk him the general, but Hillary played ball with the DNC because she knew she was young

#Bernieorbust is a small but vocal minority of a minority of a minority. They don’t deserve to be catered to.

Delegates as a whole are SUPER inappropriate. But if the system is designed to allow established politicians to win on a technicality, than they cannot be upset if they lose on a technicality.

She is the leader of the party, the onus falls on her.

Not really. How it works is there is a precinct caucus (with actual people voting) who vote on precinct level delegates (this is the actual caucus that gets headlines). Those precinct delegates show up to another vote and vote on county delegates. Those county delegates then show up and vote on state delegates. The