
Hillary will lose the general election if she fails to unite the party fast.

If anyone is on the fence about supporting the Giants, consider this. No current Giants player is accused of raping and murdering thirteen grade school children in the spring of 1987.

Keep in mind, these are elected officials. Voter turnout for senatorial and congressional elections is virtually non-existent, especially for the under 30 demographic. If you want tech savvy representatives, vote them in.

Of course it’s not “true generosity” whatever that means. Most wealthy business men aren’t remembered after they die. They live on through naming prestigious buildings at institutions that will endure. It really gets their dicks hard.

They were all sexist, racist pigs by today’s standards. If it wasn’t slavery, it was the genocide of native Americans. If it wasn’t genocide it was religious persecution. If it wasn’t any of the above, it has probably been white washed.

When Tom Cruise gets fired and addresses the whole office and says, “Who’s going to come with me?” Classic scene.

We had a would-be President (RFK) killed by a gunmam during the primary. The candidates can make formal requests for secret service support through their respective party (who I believe helps foot the bill?). The cost isn’t prohibitive to the federal government in any case.

They should make people who are clearly in “Boarding Group 4” but sneak in with “Boarding Group 2" pay for a round of drinks for everyone on board.

“Enjoy your justice mother fucker!!!”

I'm eating some thin mints right now, so I basically know what it's like to be President.

To argue that tech companies should submit private data out of government convenience is absurd.

“[...] and he doesn’t help other Democrats out with their campaigns.”

A) A state’s super delegate represents the Democratic Party for their state. If the state unanimously decides the direction they wish the Democratic Party to take, a super delegate should adhere to the state’s voters. It’s reasonable to disagree with this, but allowing 10 individuals in Vermont to represent 38% of the

Completely fair and valid. However, there are states like Vermont that officially deems Hillary Clinton as a “non-viable candidate.” Clinton received zero pledged delegates (or the same amount you and I were given), yet I believe they are tied in super delegate allocation.

Poor choice of website name, but Super Delegates often deserve criticism for their support (whether for or against Clinton).

Harvey should've lied and told us it was something less embarrassing.... Like anything else.

God damn I love Jim Irsay. The guy can snort a line off a dead hooker and still attempt to disprove medical fact.

You do realize that the DNC will spend 100% of that money on the Democratic Presidential Candidate right? During the 2012 campaign, the DNC spent $285.5M on Obama and raised only $255.1M on the year. If you think HRC is going to allow Debbie Wasserman Shultz to allocate some of the millions HRC has raised to a no-name

The overwhelming majority of money the DNC will spend in the next 8 months will be towards the HRC campaign. So really the first $36,100 goes to Hillary and the rest goes to buying favors.

First off, Hillary’s Victory Fund benefits Hillary Clinton more than any one person. Second, the only reason people donate the Victory Fund is because you cannot write off Super PAC donations nor direct campaign contributions on your tax return. Clinton found a great tax loop hole to large donors.