
Well, donations to Super PACs and campaigns are not tax deductible. Clinton set up the “Hillary Victory Fund” as a tax loophole for high value donors.

I’m probably the only guy here who has never torrented media.

I'm surprised to say this but, fuck it. Good job NFL.

Fuck scalpers, online ticket agents and people who only buy tickets to resell. Anything that makes their life more difficult is fine by me.

Honestly, if some piece of shit pollster calls my house asking me if I support Japanese Internment camps and Slavery, I'd probably make up some pretty fucked up shit just to fuck with the guy.

Are there less injuries in rugby? Serious question, I don't know. If you do away with pads and helmets it would essentially have the same level of impact as rugby players do.

That 15% profit comes from the 30% savings in salary.

Certainly. Make no mistake, the public knows exactly what is happening. $10 million in speeches looks a lot better than a $10 million super PAC donation. They’re just trying to pretend this isn’t a political payment

We have been! Bernie made two paid speeches in 2014 each for a $850 donation. People have been asking for transcripts to show additional transparency to voters.

Should candidates disclose promises made to special interest groups behind closed doors? Yes, probably.

So... A suit jacket with pants.

I completely agree that there is a (probably significant) portion of Sanders voters who are voting for him because of his gender. However, there is just as significant portion of voters voting for Hillary because she’s a woman. Sanders has been arguably more of an advocate for women’s rights than Hillary over the past

Goldman No-Sachs


Guess they didn't teach you sarcasm in the military.

I am being sarcastic. War is fucking traumatizing. Killing fucks with your brain.

Black comedies thrive. No one’s complaining that there is a shortage of Tyler Perry material or Kevin Hart movies. I mean, Bad Boys and Rush Hour are both 20 years old soooo, I guess you’re proving my point?


This. Sometimes I see those veterans coming home with PTSD and think, “you signed up for this shit, stop complaining.”