
Money absolutely is. There isn’t some evil racist conspiracy going on. It’s money. Studios are going to intentionally cater to 12% of the US population and probably less than 5% of global movie goers (if even that much) at the risk of box office earnings. It makes literally no sense.

I’m not sure what constitutes “winning” at the box office, but the female market is much larger than the African American market.

Production companies will always take the safe bet. It’s a business and business’ need to be risk adverse to survive.

I agree with all of this, however, production companies are in the business of making money. Sandra Bullock was not necessarily picked because she is the best Austronaut Woman, rather she was the best bet to fill the role well and carry the movie.

When governments are greedy and inefficient, the responsibility of the care of the people belongs to corporations I guess.

Like Hitch!

You mean like every Will Smith movie ever? We need more Will Smiths and at least 2 more Morgan Freeman's and possibly 8 additional Don Cheadle.

We're any characters in Harry Potter specified as white?

I believe Hillary deleted some pretty damning emails from her server.

Hell no. This is just another ploy to reduce the bathroom lines at a Taylor Swift concert.

In my experience men were generally “cooler” teachers/professors while women were more task oriented.

At the time, the Patriots expected maybe one more chance with the ball. A field goal would have done little.

If they were paid money for their work this wouldn’t happen!!! Oh shit, who am I kidding, Joseph Randle stole underwear.

What’s the difference between an “esport” and a video game?

“Hill’s lawsuit claimed that Cosby and his team of lawyers insinuated that she was a “liar” and an “extortionist.””

I would argue that this is an instance where sports coverage intersects with social commentary.

Commutes are the best time to read/listen to a book. If you commute via mass transit, read a book. If you drive, borrow a book-on-tape from your local library and listen. I must have gone through 25-30 books last year.

Not a single smile among men in the crowd.

We need to deregulate the firefighter gift policy.

Government at its finest.