
I’ll tackle this paragraph by paragraph if you’re good with that. I’m not necessarily arguing against most of these points, you’re just over-generalizing in my opinion.

I can see why they didn't consider this to be a police matter.

It’s actually interesting to see how the Republican party’s constituents have changed over the years. Historically, Hispanic, Muslim and black voters have leaned republican on most social issues - particularly faith-based issues. However looking at the trends, it easy to see where they lost the vote and why.

I’ve used this before and it’s pretty good:

I think he thought it was consensual because he started kissing her without any recoil or reprimand, even as he continued. He terribly misread a situation.

I have no charitable view of him; I think he’s absolute scum. It’s a situation him and his ego created - I despise those type of people. However, my bias against him won’t change my opinion of what rape is. A sober man cannot unknowingly rape a sober woman.

What if he was 100% certain she wanted this? A presumptuous young man can certainly misinterpret a situation and feel confident his advances are wanted.

Paying for police gives us the right to know whether Chandler Jones was on drugs?

Poor Jeb. Poor poor Jeb.

Honestly, who cares? The public shouldn’t be privy to information in this specific instance and is only curious because he’s an NFL player.

I agree he should have known, however he probably didn’t. I am a firm believer of expressed consent, however unless both parties are aware that this is not consensual sex I am weary of labeling something as rape. I do not believe it's possible for a man to unknowingly rape a woman (assuming they're both sober).

I don’t disagree with you, but her inaction can potentially be considered consent to a young presumptuous man. I’ve referenced this before and I think it’s pretty good:

Her inaction could be construed as consent to some people. It’s more of a question of whether the man knew he was having sex against her will. He should have, but if it’s clear someone isn't picking up on your signals, you need to make sure he understands your position.

For everyone’s reference:

Of all the reasons to vote against the LA move, Mile Brown found the one that is truly the most petty.

She doesn't need tattoos, she already has some pretty solid street cred for that time she was locked up and all.

I'm offended. This is offensive.

Rey is Luke’s daughter. It’s actually painfully obvious when you look at it.

I'd hate to be a black player in San Fransisco right now.

A Vegan, a Cross-Fitter and this chick walk into a bar. The bar tender asks “wh-” and is cut off by the Vegan, Cross-Fitter and this chick simultaneously to tell the bar tender all about they’re super awesome lifestyle choices.