
Daily Fantasy sites have a worse payout than traditional casino games..

Three people likely did not vote for Griffey knowing he would make the ballot regardless. There are more than 10 deserving players on this ballot, so why waste a vote on a sure thing?

Yes. It was recent too, but didn’t garner much attention past local news. A lawsuit was filed and the claims made are pretty crazy:

At least this is a private school. My local high school recently fired a Muslim teacher for showing a video about Malala Yousafzai.

Your historical male vs. female sale prices are out of date.

There are approximately 270 million guns in civilian possession in America today.

There are hundreds of cheerleader/athlete couples. It could be a rule, but I doubt it’s enforced.

If anything they are treasonists. Terrorists have a clear agenda that they try to accomplish through terror (hence the name). These guys don’t have an agenda past “fuck the government” and they are not inducing any sort of terror that I have seen.

Florida Boy Aspires to be Florida Man

I bet Republicans would be all about universal health care if it began at conception.

Were they deadlocked on all charges or does the court require a verdict on every charge presented?

If Netflix aired football I would have no reason to pay for cable.

John Smith marries Jackie Thomas. They have a child named Clayton Smith-Thomas. Clayton Smith-Thomas marries Daisy York-Howard. They have a child named Gerald Smith-Thomas-York-Howard.

Not good.

Think about the average IQ of a Twitter user who follows “@redskinsfacts” and you have your answer.

I’m torn. Obviously, if there’s a threat to a school you should take precautions, but closing EVERY school seems overkill. That’s a lot of parents who have to stay home and employers who get screwed.

I could see Lyft and Uber cancel all operations in Seattle to make an example of them. See how they like unemployment.

Hopefully they can improve to 13-1 next week against the Giants.

Ironically, I won a bet on this decision.

Rex needs to careful not to put his foot in his mouth on this one.