
“My career in golf is meaningless, we all die alone. While I wait for my impending death I consume Arby’s bacon supreme burger.”

Nihilist Tiger’s PR team should reach out to Nihilist Arby’s for an endorsement deal.

I'm all for supporting local businesses and American made products, but I don't need a racist/xenophobic reason to do so.

I guess the Phillipino judicial system is more lenient on minorities than the US

There’s more pressure on the crew during prime-time games.

I can only imagine how difficult it is to referee a professional football game. That's all I took from this.

I’m 25 and making more than my dad ever did, but still mooch off his EZ Pass.

People suck.

This is an absurd reply, I’m sorry for you.

You’re naive to believe there isn’t a connection. Black Lives Matter is a movement spreading the same sort of rhetoric as any other movement whether it be pro-life, pro-choice, climate change advocates, etc. There is no such thing as a card carrying “Pro Life” activist, but it’s obvious to tell who they are. Just like

I’m not saying they aren’t, nor am I implying BLM protesters are any better or worse. I just wanted to correct a mistatement made by the previous poster.



Black Lives Matters has actually been responsible for at least one mass shooting/murder/act of terrorism that I can think of off the top of my head.

Johnny Manziel is drunk on the field and bringing all his whores and cocaine to the huddle and passing them around like Thanksgiving Day stuffing. His antics hurt my feelings AND personally, I think we don't judge him enough.

She's probably just getting her period or something. Lol women.

I think the officiating was so bad they just wanted to make sure it couldn't go into overtime.

I am seriously judging him right now. Holy shit, you have no idea how judgmental I can be.

The “Man in the High Castle” was a 1962 novel about an alternate history where Germany won WWII. It’s a masterpiece and won the Hugo award. I'm sorry your delicate nature cannot handle works of fiction and their public display, but grow a pair.

“I shouldn’t have to sit staring at a Nazi insignia on my way to work”