
To everyone getting their panties all in a bunch over the Patriots receiving favoritism by the officiating crew; the Patriots received the worse of it in this game.

Barry would do a podcast regarding “the catch” but his mouth is full with some oh, bj?

I’m going to judge him for this.

The scariest part of this is it looks like they are running the risk of not having enough cash on handle to pay out every member. If there was ever a mass exudus, the last players will be left with their pockets empty.

I get 7 sick, 20 vacation and 3 personal days per year.

This is a very interesting article and debate. I consider game developers to be artists (most of us do). But that’s not limited to just the graphic designers, but everyone from the deisgners, the voice actors, the directors and even the *cough management of the business. It’s an art to create a game. It’s an

I remember when he shot a guy. The court house that he was being tried in was walking distance from my High School. We would walk over there and photo bomb ESPN. Ah, fun times.


I don’t think he did. I think Kelly assumed it would be easier to trade for Mariotta than it was.

Was hardly impossible. Both teams supposedly gave their price to Kelly and he couldn’t rationally swing it.

Are you delusional? What are you quoting? Here is the original question:

I did answer the question. Trading for Bradford made it “more likely” in the same sense that offering a 5th round pick for Tom Brady makes a trade possiblity “more likely” than offering a 7th round pick.

Bradford is more marketable than Foles and fits the Bucs and Titans offense better. He talked to both teams and sources say Bradford was part of the negotiations (which Kelly later denied of course).

The Bradford move blew up in his face because he was obviously making a grand play for Mariotta (which didn’t happen).

Men?! Am I right?

Straight vodka is for sociopaths.

Very similar situations without the violent responses from Jews. During one of the greatest eras of human migration, Americans heavily discriminated against the Irish, Japanese, Jews and Italians.

Well that’s gay. Congrats!

A beautiful piece and great read. I will bring up one minor counterpoint to your faculty diversity numbers cited. Those numbers may indicate systemic racism in the Yale hiring process, but those numbers mirror the ethnicity ratios of men and women with a master's degree or higher. They also mirror men and women over

Probably charge $30 for all natural, organic, vegan, free range chicken sausage.