
Sure there would be. Gamblers will always chase a fix. Look at scratch offs, they have a 1:4 or 1:5 chance of just making your money back. The pool of paid out players would decrease by half in the large games and the payout will be smaller in the small games.

Sure they would. Gamblers will always chase a fix. Look at scratch offs, they have a 1:4 or 1:5 chance of just making your money back. The pool of paid out players would decrease by half in the large games and the payout will be smaller in the small games.

That’s still less than the tax on a pack of cigarettes. Gamblers get their quick fix, society benefits from the tax revenue, casual players still have a game to play and sites stay open for business. Win/win/win/win.

What? That's still less than the tax on a pack of cigarettes. Gamblers get their quick fix, society benefits from the tax revenue, casual players still have a game to play and sites stay open for business. Win/win/win/win.

There should just be an additional 40-50% taken off the top of each pot to go to a state fund for education.

Literally their gambling addiction has brought them to the streets to protest the ability for more gambling.

The NFL fines players who don't adhere to their uniform policy.

If you sold your VW before the shit hit the fan you have no injury and no legal recourse.

I completely agree, he beat the shit out of that poor girl. However, I was talking about his legal issues, which he technically has none.

Greg Hardy is a protected member of the National Football League Players Association and it’s rights under the CBA. The NFL cannot bar him from playing as he was not convicted of a crime. His conduct certainly warrants a suspension under the wide umbrella of “conduct detrimental to the league,” but there is no

I think a reasonable person can interpret your statement that the league has a “shorter leash” as a defense that the NFL should not have hired Hardy. If not, my apologies.

It's funny because children were raped.

I wrote for a different reply, but I think it also applies here:

I would assume a convicted sex offender isn't allowed within 500 feet of a kindergarten. So it would be difficult to work there.

While most of that isn’t true, I understand what you’re trying to say.


At that point Holder shouldn't have a say in the matter. The officer who was at the scene coupled with the pictures is all the evidence a fair and just system should need.

As an innocent man in the eyes of the law he is provided all the rights and liberties you and I have.

So this entire Greg Hardy issue is surrounding the verbiage of the NFL moral statement?

You're omitting the part where a judge expunged his record and charges. Technically, in the eyes of the law, Hardy was never charged nor convicted.