
If an employee physically threatens his/her boss, management should discuss the issues with said employee and decide whether or not termination is necessary. Same with demonstrating a pattern of aggressive behavior. Wouldn’t you agree?

If the issue is the degree a private company questioned an employee for a personal legal matter that he was found completely innocent of in the court of law, I would argue that the NFL’s responsibility is limited to the possible PR liability that they may face. Which is what I just read above.

He got a pass because he is wealthy. He was able to pay this woman enough money for her to disappear. His profession had nothing to do with it. Actually, his profession makes it extremely difficult for him to get away with such circumstances (as we are seeing here). Most wealthy fucks have the luxury of anonymity and

This should have been a non-issue. Hardy would be serving a ten year prison sentence if the justice system wasn’t completely fucked.

I agree with all of this. All I’m saying is that, in the eye of the law, this woman’s actions were literally 100,000,000,000,000 times worse than Greg Hardy beating the absolute shit out of his girlfriend.

I completely understand why it’s a big deal and I wholeheartedly agree that this is rape. However, her 40 year prison sentence is twice the sentence length of all the crimes above combined (20 years).

I'd like to see Hoffman, Griffey and Piazza. A very fun class.

Again, I disagree. The mere fact that googling his name brings up countless Google News articles about that one time he sued Rolling Stone magazine for publishing a national story about him raping a girl is enough for most employers to back off. I would.

I completely agree on all parts. Excellent article and very strange situation.

In the eyes of the law, this woman’s transgression is twice as bad as 5 Michael Vicks plus 50,000 Greg Hardy’s plus 3,000,000 Ray Rice’s plus 80,000,000,000 OJ Simpson murders plus 5 Plaxico’s.

I will not post their names because I do not want to cause further harm to the innocent, but they are easily searchable and named in most articles about the case (especially early articles that still claim their guilt). Here’s a link if you're still curious that includes their names:

I wholeheartedly disagree. The three accused young men are damaged beyond repair at this point. Every prospective employer for the rest of their lives will see they were once accused of raping a girl in college. That stigma doesn’t go away.

Good. Every time a prospective employer Googles their name their alleged rape will undoubtably be front and center. That sort of stigma will follow them forever.

I read somewhere that the price is fair, but members of the family are old school miners and want retail for the contents of the mines. One family said that there is another $15 million (or something) still down there. However, it'll probably cost $10 million and 50 years to mine.

It was my understanding that the family didn't own the land, but mining rights. Is this not true?

How is this racist?

Honestly, that’s not the NFL’s fault, it’s the justice system. In the eyes of the law, Greg Hardy is an innocent man. Actually, he had his record completely expunged. That’s fucked up.

In Ben Carson’s defense, he IS an idiot.

Would it be fair to say the NFL has the most progressive hiring policy with convicts? Silver lining.

The only thing larger than Dolly Parton’s breasts is Hillary’s US embassy kill count.