
You don't need a union to collectively hold out. If conditions were so terrible, wouldn't students just not play football? I mean, if I was working 50 hours a week with absolutely no form of compensation, I would quit.

1) Not jobs, but schools.

My school also didn't provide free tuition.

1) when your only marketable skill is playing football marginally better than the next guy, you deservingly should have limited options.

All employers farm development costs off of colleges. I HAD to go to school to get my current job. Had to commit 4 years, and then another 2 for an MBA. I don’t know why people are so bent out of shape when it comes to NFL hiring practices. If anything, they are loose.

I disagree. The NCAA doesn’t have a monopoly, they are just the highest paying employer in the market. Anyone who is good at football can play football, they’ll just get paid pennies compared to the NCAA. There are dozens of global unaffiliated football leagues around the world, but none will offer what the NCAA does.

Imagine where Cardale Jones would be without the NCAA... He wouldn’t be in the NFL, because even if they could take kids out of high school, no team would want an 18 year old quarterback taking up a roster spot, especially since he was only a 3 star recruit then. Would he even be in college? Maybe? Honestly, I don’t

The NFL doesn’t accept employees without experience. Is that unusual? Most employers require some experience or a college degree, the NFL is no exception. They don’t hire right out of high school, which, most would probably agree is for the best. An 18 year old kid would either sit out his first few seasons, or get

There are literally tens of thousands of NCAA caliber athletes looking for an open roster spot. If you will only play your sport for compensation, that’s fine. I respect that decision; I will only perform my services for compensation. But step aside, because you are entering a league with a capped compensation. If you

Bikini Inspectors deserve college scholarships too!

Why pay someone for services they will line up around the block to do for free?

Four chairs, three good friends, one case of beer and relax. Anything else belongs on Deadspin, not Adequate Man.

In my opinion there is no prospect of having a “career” in the fast food industry. It’s a stagnant pit of despair that has absolutely no financial prospect for any employee that chooses the “profession.” Most, if not all, people know this. So why anyone would make the conscious choice to attempt to make a living

I do not believe any person should be working full time at a fast food restaurant. You can’t leave poverty by trying to force a career out of a job meant for part-time employees.

No fast food employee deserves more than $10 an hour.

Brady didn't need to. The equipment manager already ratted him out.

Literally not a single person in this galaxy claimed it was a crime. Nor do most people believe that it is a transgression deserving of punishment. However, I already laid out the evidence that would lead any reasonable person to believe Brady did in fact break the arbitrary rule.

The equipment manager stated he was deflating the footballs in exchange for goods. Slam. Dunk.

Dude, it's like 91%

Legacy returned!