
I’ll wait until the mid-terms and next Presidential election before I make this call, thankyouverymuch.  

Yes, get bent. 

My feeling is meh. I’m only subscribed to the PS+ Essential tier. That’s all I need. I don’t care about the older games. When PS+ can actually compete with Gamepass, I’ll take a second look.

EXACTLY. His team of I believe 8 to 12 people TOTAL made a game world orders of magnitude larger than any game before or sense.  Like it’s not even close, was the game perfect, NO, was it for everyone, NO, but you just have to be impressed that a team of 12 did something that even AAA studio’s couldn’t dream of.

what Murray and his team have been able to pull off with its smooth procedural generation has been groundbreaking. He is certainly not Molyneux, thankfully.

Let him hype stuff! He’s excited about the things he makes; kinda nice to see that in the gaming industry still, people with big ambitions trying to push the boundaries. At least he’s not churning out the same copy-paste shit as the big studios. Not to mention his game actually released (lookin’ at you, Ken Levine!).

There’s a really notable difference: Sean eventually delivered on his promises.

I disagree. Sure, both made original claims that were a bit much, but that’s where the similarities end.

Honestly, Peter Molyneux’s shtick is so much more cynical. He knows he’s lying, and he continue to peddle it.

Sean seems to understand how his previous marketing stance was flawed but also tends to get really excited about cool projects.

Or HEY maybe he’s earned his moment? Instead of constantly shitting on this dude, you can respect his teams efforts to go above and beyond and deliver a game well beyond anything that was originally promised?

It read more like he was hyping up his team than the game, but I think it’d likely be impossible for him to make the same mistake again, because every single time he opens his mouth there will be legions of people waiting to say ‘BUT REMEMBER NMS SANDWORMS’.

First trailer? I swear I saw a trailer for this like two months ago... am I crazy? 

I started to get excited when I saw the words “Ghost of Tsushima”...then I noticed that it was just some multiplayer shit. Woohoo.

Seriously, even the character model is very clearly Lance Reddick!

I love how bits like this are interspersed with her not knowing tech words like “network” because even though she’s cloned from a genius her intelligence doesn’t come with a built-in dictionary.

One of my favorite moments in HZD will always be where Aloy encounters a hologram of the Earth and Sylens chimes in with “It’s our planet, Aloy; it isn’t flat as you thought” and she’s just like “Why would I think that? It casts a round shadow during an eclipse”

If Hugo had a category for games when HZD was released it would have won with 2nd place being quite the afterthought.

Yeah I felt so bad listening to the general basically laying all the horrible things he had to do on the table so the future would know what he did and would judge him; then you’ve got Faro doing the exact opposite.

Ubisoft is going to lunch a never ending, ever expanding “Assassins Creed” platform/metaverse and I can’t shake the feeling that this is how they plan to monetize it.  

This Horizon sequel looks like shit tbh, is Aloy even in it?