I’m a white guy who actively dislikes Buttigieg myself, though if he somehow wins the nomination I’d vote for him. I’d hate doing it, but I would.
I’m a white guy who actively dislikes Buttigieg myself, though if he somehow wins the nomination I’d vote for him. I’d hate doing it, but I would.
Yeah, I knew it was Bruce Lee. Don’t know why I typed Jackie Chan. Getting senile, I guess.
Another game I’ve tried to get started, got distracted, weeks go by, forgot how to play, decide to do it some other time.
My favorite part of Pitt’s performance is when he was on the roof, remembering the Jackie Chan incident. It flashes back go to him, and he says, “Fair enough.” Oh man, that was good.
Still playing Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, still loving it. I’m at level 36 or 37 now, finally got the hang of war at sea, having a good time hunting down and slaughtering cultists. There’s so much to do and see that I often forget entirely about the main storyline until I accidentally activate the next portion of it.
It’s disturbing enough that a lawyer representing her client would ever be suggesting this. I hate to think of how many women agree. How many Republican women who voted in favor of Kavanaugh are thinking it? How many wealthy women, secure in their superiority?
Given that I’m still trying to pay off the furnace I had to replace last October, this depresses the fucking hell out of me.
I’m pretty sure that Trump believes Being John Malkovich was a documentary and he’s always keeping an eye out for who he’s going to possess when it’s time to upgrade.
I don’t donate to candidates but I might put some money into anyone running against Collins this year. Same with McConnell.
It would do wonders for public schools if rich kids were forced to attend alongside the poor kids. If rich parents were actually invested in their local public schools then public education would be getting loads of money.
I would have liked to see Pelosi make Trump provide a written report and then getting Ben Stein to read it out loud.
That raccoon sure was cute. I wouldn’t want it hanging around my door either though.
There should be a LOT of people going around asking why we aren’t putting more money into our existing public schools so that everyone can get a better education.
Yet another white dude trying so very hard to be worse than Trump and McConnell.
Did he do the right thing? Well, half of it, sure. Is that heroic? No. Doing the right thing and being heroic are not mutually exclusive.
I loved the episode and as a full series it is now in my top 5 list. I really believe that four or five seasons is the sweet spot for a tv series. More than 5 seasons doesn’t really work, in my opinion. So as much as I’m going to miss The Good Place (and I really will) I’m glad it ended well. And I cried more than…
Sorry, Tyreq, but there’s nothing funny about any of this.
That was actually my experience with D1. I really wanted to play it but every time I started progressing something would come up, I’d not play for two months, and then realize I’d have to learn the system all over again.
I think one of the problems with RDR2 is that you want to explore and try out all the stuff in the beginning of the game, like so many other open world games, not realizing that you’d be better off moving the story line along a little before you start exploring.