I’ll definitely give it a shot sometime, particularly if I can get it with Mexican Coke.
I’ll definitely give it a shot sometime, particularly if I can get it with Mexican Coke.
I love Lagavulin. I was fortunate enough to get a bottle of the 16 year for Christmas and I’ve been savoring it. So good.
There’s no way I’d risk a drop of mine on a cocktail like this but I’d love to have a bartender somewhere recommend it to me. I admit to being intrigued.
If they give the PS5 backwards compatibility, Sony can do whatever the hell they want with the logo for all I care.
My answer is no. But I’m sure it’ll make an embarrassing amount of money.
I have a 4 day work week and it’s bloody glorious. I love it so much. The only problem is that it screws me out of hopes of getting a job elsewhere. Anywhere else will want me to go back to the 5 day craptacular and as much as I need to find a job that doesn’t include a horrendous commute I don’t want to give up that…
I actually threw up in my mouth a little when I saw this headline.
Beautifully written article on a painfully abhorrent facet of our community.
That was exactly my experience. Also, I had just been getting a handle on the controls and then stopped for a few weeks and now have no idea how to play.
The combat has repeatedly frustrated me to the point where I’ve given up Witcher 1 completely.
One game a month? Hahaha...yeah, that’s never going to happen.
I finally finished God of War last weekend. Now I’m on to Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I’ve actually already gotten about 17 hours into it due to the holiday. I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. First AC game I’ve actually liked playing! Can’t wait to get more game play in.
Williamson is officially the Thoughts and Prayers candidate.
I own the Drake collection too. But I’m happy to think that some people who haven’t played them may enjoy them for free.
Same here. Nice to get it for free!
Love the games, have no desire to see a movie made of them. The games were all I need.
I definitely can’t play more than one game at a time. I just can’t handle more than one control scheme at a time.
So many games! Witcher 3 is one of mine. I’d also really like to play Horizon Zero Dawn and finally finish Planescape Torment. I’m working on Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey right now. And I probably should finish Divinity Original Sin (the first one).
That was my experience too, except that I didn’t keep playing. So thanks! I’ll give it another shot.
Damn, that reminds me that I downloaded Crusader Kings II to play for free on Steam a few days ago, only to complete forget about it. I need to try it out before it expires.