
YES! Fucking loved the last one. Finally, one of the sequels I’ve been waiting for and not just another remaster.

Yeah, I was bummed when I didn’t get Ness yesterday when there was one guy in front of me left. Last night I set my alarm for 3 a.m. with the false hope of getting a Robin and Lucina pre-order on Amazon. After I woke up and checked, I remember I needed to make a Toys R Us account for Greninja. While I did that, I

Hey, Crab Man...

Strive to be black?

Infamous: First Light is 50% off until the 30th. Will go great with that 10% off.

Infamous: First Light is 50% off until the 30th. Will go great with that 10% off.

Just when I thought they couldn't make the game even better...Johnathan fucking Banks!

What do you know about Fallout 4? You know something...

Do you have a room in your house full of only Doritos and Mountain Dew? Is the thirst that real?

Instantly thought of Bahamut when I saw this. If the game is good, day one purchase for me.

Holy shit, dude, I thought this was some sort of joke.

Now playing

As if it's only issues like this where Don Lemon shows incredible stupidity.

I guess I'm not ready, since my planning board went blank after my second setup mission.

Take some shooting lessons, asshole.

The YouTuber sounds a lot like KasaanTV. It might be a spin-off channel. If it's him, nice job handling this asshole. If no one here knows him, check out his stuff.

Guess I'll get a PS4 on September 1st.

So is it true that was caught threatening herself earlier this week or was that proven false?

Exactly what I said when I saw that picture.

Now playing

Because some of us like to see a person of our race in a piece of media that we enjoy who we can better relate to and who actually feels like a real person, instead of some creature riddled with stereotypes like this, because shit like this isn't OK. But, good for you, I guess?

Now playing

Because sometimes we like to see someone from our race in a piece of media that we enjoy and can possibly connect better with because they're more like us and actually feel like a normal person instead of bunch of stereotypes fused into one, like this. But, good for you, I guess?

AC3, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, and Infamous Second Son?