My chief engineer says I’m a moron. I’m not having a lot of luck arguing that point.
My chief engineer says I’m a moron. I’m not having a lot of luck arguing that point.
My chief engineer says I’m a moron. I’m not having a lot of luck arguing that point.
My chief engineer says I’m a moron. I’m not having a lot of luck arguing that point.
Makes a really great desk ornament. Nice detail. Nearly uncontrollable, especially if a slight breeze kicks up - it’s incredibly light and seems a bit unstable. Does a good job of blowing things off your desk.
Makes a really great desk ornament. Nice detail. Nearly uncontrollable, especially if a slight breeze kicks up -…
“That’s the design.” Kinda nonsensical. Would be nice if instead it was said “We put them there on purpose but they serve no function.” But no. “That’s the design”. That’s ALSO, by the way, the correct answer to “Why does my car have four wheels”, “Why do televisions have screens”, and “why is there a handle on my…
Really, I think Spock’s learning of “colorful metaphors” was by far the best part of ST IV.
Though “Double dumb-ass on you” still has a spot on my mantle.
Double dumb-ass on you!
That was my favorite TNG episode, ever. Much better than “Inner Light”.
The Elder Mr. Boston should be able to land a solid position in the Trump administration with a record like that.
Decades? Reeeeaally?
“I’ll take NASCAR drivers with zero fucks left in the fucks-to-give tank for $500, Alex.”
His name is Dale Earnhardt Jr, and he’s getting out of the biz.
A report I saw elsewhere indicates that three of the cameras were in bedrooms and bathrooms, and that he allegedly showed tapes from these cameras off. ALLEGEDLY. I’m having a hard time squaring that with what I’ve seen of Biffle in the past.
Gotta say, watching it in real time, it was a lot more horrific looking than the image above conveys, or Peters’ actions after the fact.
My boss married into a Japanese family, lived there for several years, visits often. I was shocked when he informed me that the instant Ramen noodles we get in the local megamart (e.g. Maruchan, Top Ramen, et al) are a fairly authentic experience. From the way he put it, it sounds like it’s more or less the Japanese…
I always add a little drop of sesame oil, no matter what else is going in.
Why not take the sportsball analogy all the way. Make all races have four “stages”, or, “quarters”, and at the end of each stage, turn the race around the other direction.
I love how all the attention is on speaking fees and nobody gives two shits about the far more corrupt practices of the current sitting president and his family RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES.
Soooo ... got this for Christmas.
Soooo ... got this for Christmas.
I gotta ask, why is “Why Does Everyone Hate Anne Hathaway?” given legitimacy as “criticism” in the first place? That shit’s not on her, yo. That’s on the haters.
While it sounds like there are many stand-along legit reasons to not like this film, I really would have liked to see the input of a couple of people that weren’t married to the original, or who hadn’t even seen it.