That “brownie pan” was seen recently in the Season 2 opener for the SyFy series “The Expanse” - near the end, it was used to serve up lasagna.
That “brownie pan” was seen recently in the Season 2 opener for the SyFy series “The Expanse” - near the end, it was used to serve up lasagna.
NHRA is a surprisingly good showcase for the lady drivers. A lot more diverse than I expected when I started watching last year.
Probably not the best place to ask, but who’s the guy to Jonah’s immediate right? I’m pretty sure he was previously in the latter episodes of “Good Eats”, but I can’t find a picture’d credit for him in either series.
Doomguards still use that sound sample. Doesn’t make it any less funny.
All I want to know is: do any of these mods fix the “last built” indicator to what you just built rather than what you built before that?
Yeah, my parents got me the shitty Coleco version of that. And I didn’t have an Atari 2600, either.
Which is good, since that meme never fails to make an appearance.
I rather liked “What advice would you give to someone who, like yourself, has no chance of winning?” — Also Larry the Cable Guy.
Only if you leave Michael Jackson out of that.
Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
Starting to think we’re lucky he didn’t just land it on the 405.
I am a long time Asimov fan. That being said, these books don’t age well in a number of ways; Asimov’s take on women in society, his idea of how computers might work in the future, the lingo around the Second Foundation’s mental science, etc. Some of these can be distracting at times, though the computer thing…
Why can’t I downrate this.
Nothing yet. We’re still trying to figure out the Alien. Welcome to unexplained DLC :)
Mouse and keyboard sucks. Spend 20 bucks on a joystick. Or 15 on a game pad. But joystick with throttle thingy is the best low-end entry-level option. Gamepad is barely do-able. I suggest playing Minecraft or WarCraft to playing Elite without a Joystick.. As a person that has played all but Minecraft in anger.
I don’t care if it’s fake. That’s fucking awesome.
If you liked the original 8 bit game, you’ll love it.
Agreed. I started playing again because of this shizzle.