well that being true.. what usually happens when you fukk with someones money..especially when its a lot of money?? my answer still rests..
well that being true.. what usually happens when you fukk with someones money..especially when its a lot of money?? my answer still rests..
and people think murica is bad...
best quote ever...
Remix! part II!
Freddy, I think you got served...
Dat Shiat is RIGGED.. Crooked Chevy Volt put the fix in! letting those illegal foreign engines into our engine bays!! Were going to build a wall and make our roads great again!
you have stage 4 thesaurusopia.. its terminal dawg... nothing we can do for ya..
Remember tatooine? I remember.. how about cutting up tauntauns remember that??
Just here munchin my memberries...
China can’t do anything about it except basically either complain or somehow try to go to war with the US.
Im guessing the latter...
If how his interview went with Roland Martin tells me anything, It is that I dont have to fear these douches because everytime he does a Heil and writes it off as overexuberance he further loses credibility.. Also this aint 1938 and people fight back.. real talk..
DJ earworm is da shit!! and on that same level is Daniel Kim .. I always look forward to their summer and end of year mashups!
I had a friend who passed in a similar way He was driving to see his daughter and had a
heart attack causing him to go off the embankment into some high grass.. apparently no one saw him go off the road and they didnt find him until a week later in the car when
a clean up crew was cutting the weeds they stumbled…
nope.. it will be an endless cycle of getting nothing done.. republicans in office will dismantle all beneficiary programs put in place by the dems in the prior administration who will put them back in action once they get the house back in the next election.. thats why america will never be great again.. tit for tat…
because jay leno wants to be the only person to have one a car and a bike..
Im sorry theres NO reason for rerouting a pipeline that may expose ANY group of human beings to a potential hazard.. youre basically saying that because their population happens to be smaller, their lives arent worth those of the larger population.. Sure we cant necessarily cry racism since there isnt a smaller…
“Roads, bridges, transmission lines, pipelines, wind farms, and water lines will be very difficult, if not impossible, to build when criminal behavior is rewarded this way”
Eat the DICK kevin cramer.. you mean it will be impossible to build infrastructure without being allowed to fuck over indigenous peoples who…
Just DONT ever buy a C4.. The optispark although revolutionary is the achilles heel of that whole series.. WORST design ever!! since replacement parts are no longer OEM or reliable, you could be looking at replacing a distributor less than a year after having done it the first time to a tune of $1500+.. Im currently…
dont forget that hes planning on labeling china as a money manipulator.. that cant possibly go right in any sort of way?
not with people lacking forethought and critical thinking.. they dont get a pass..
but they as well as others who say that, do not realize that actually twice as many whites are killed by police than there are black.. I think currently its 233 black to 482 whites out of 981 total killed this year alone.. when I tell people that Im accused of being a white sympathizer because that cant be true since…