for those people I say.. “dont let your president get your ass kicked..”
for those people I say.. “dont let your president get your ass kicked..”
exactly... I told my ex that the reason her brothers are out of work not because factory jobs left (that happened way before they were old enough to work) its because they havent learned to adapt. Im an IT industry person and graduated from college right into the middle of Bush vol. 1 recession and watched my…
not to mention that its going to take 3x the concrete used in the hoover dam to build his stupid wall and 4x what weve spent on the afghan war to maintain it..
The Neocons.. ahh I member..
Return of the Bushites.. sounds like the same ol’ thing.. look at the turrists!! while reaching for the five-finger discount!
and surprisingly a lot of black folk did too..
doesnt bannon kinda remind you of Dildo Baggins??
all his carrier deal did was give the corporations the tax breaks he swore hed make pay their “fair share” so now hes set a precedent where other corporations will suddenly plan to send jobs away unless they get the “carrier deal” what happens next year when they want even more cuts? Theres a reason why you dont…
“with naught but piss..” this quote was great! Im using that..
“Did you know a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer than a police officer is to shoot a black man?
I beg to differ.. currently out of 981 total police shootings this year..
233 victims were black
482 victims were white.. doesnt sound like 18% more likely to me..
Memberries!!.. member tatooine? I member..
overall his tirade was shitty on both counts.. Im sorry I cant really consider him to be a “racist” because he hasnt been on this planet long enough to lay claim.. Hes basically trying to cut lebron down using the most hurtful word he can think of which a majority of these youngbred asswipes do.... he said pick…
Yep.. that good ol’ ass beatin for your speech freedom hasnt changed just because trump’s in the house..
It will never be a red state because the republicans hate gays and latinos more than they love winning..
55 more points!
banish his ass to the cornfield!!
not when your looking at CPO hondas, toyotas and lexus.. full price for a “certified” car with 100k on the clock.. I dont think any car should hold its value past 100k.. I dont know many automatic trannies that live past 100k without a rebuild.. Which Id never again would buy a used vehicle with automatic trans..…
It is in Sweden.. I found out from a friend theres been a surge of syrian men refugees (of fighting age of course) that come and apply for benefits claiming to be 17yrs old because government assistance is way better for teens than for adults.
thats because while insurance companies could no longer deny you for prior medical issue, that law didnt say that they had to make it affordable.. Kaiser denied me for a condition they treated for 20yrs until my job switched insurance plans and I tried to stay with them under an individual plan .. They said yeah…
Now thats the REAL crime..