You cannot simply
You cannot simply
I’m finding your statements that older people need guidance in how to approach YouTube to be disturbingly ageist. Walker believes this shit because she’s crazy, not because she’s older.
I’m just a Nobody, but I’ve been thinking about Pete constantly. No one knows his struggle the way he does but I can empathize. I hope he finds the help he needs. I’m in the process of finding my own help and I envy the friends he has that have his back. He is so lucky and I hope he sees that, through the darkness.
I had a similar yet opposite experience. My husband and I are gay. We used to split up for Christmas, the logistics were just too much, even though everyone loved everyone, and we’d reconvene back at the apartment once we returned.
My husband and I worked really hard to pick an appropriate gift for our very close, very stylish friends. They lived in a huge, meticulously decorated home and had very particular tastes. We settled on a lovely, not inexpensive artisan fruit bowl. We were both so pleased at how much they liked it. I legit saw it in…
My parents had gone on a beach vacation in the summer a few years ago, and they bought back nice gifts for my siblings and their families, like hoodies, candles, ornaments, and gave them out at Christmas. And for me, oh boy, they had “saved” for me their USED little bottles of hotel shampoo and conditioner (there was…
When I was 15, I was admitted to the psych ward through the ER for some pretty serious self-harm (cutting, specifically). It was November. I didn’t want to talk to my dad in there ‘cause I knew he’d be an asshole. He was such an asshole to the caretakers, though, that they MADE me talk to him just to get him off their…
I had been a poor student for years, sleeping on an air mattress in a sleeping bag, when my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told her I wanted a duvet to replace my sleeping bag and a real suitcase to replace a weathered duffel bag. She implied she had some extra money that year and asked if I had a…
A) fuck your mom, what a horrific way to treat your child
This gift wasn’t given to me personally but it was still pretty awful from my perspective:
We get together with my dad and his wife somewhere hovering around Christmas. Though they have lots of cash, they are extremely frugal and prefer to exchange white elephant gifts. So my husband and teen daughter are there, along with several cousins, their partners, and two kids. We all give things like weird…
You win: you gave me the first laugh of the day.
An acquaintance of mine had an uncle who wrote a screenplay and produced an Eastwood film (I won’t name which one). According to the family lore, he had another film deal, and Eastwood cut him out of it completely. He sued and won, but Eastwood ensured he never got any more work. Their much longer account of the…
I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed.
“She shoots out a stream of candy-colored goo from a heart-shaped hole in her bottom.”
when i was in middle school my friend and I would straight up drink the VS“strawberries & champagne” lip gloss cuz we thought there was actual champagne in it.
God bless you, Jerry, and your seemingly boundless knowledge of all things Hollywood. I enjoy the hell out of your comments.
OMG I am so sick of this idea that we can't call racists assholes because that makes us mean and uncivil, like we gotta respect them or they'll just... continue to be assholes?
Yeah seriously. When I read the name I immediately thought of SVU and it took me a while to remember he’d also been in Mr Robot.