
If you would have told me that the girl who sang about whiskey for toothpaste would someday become the woman for all women, I would have never believed it. 

It’s weird to me that the Kristen Bell headline is phrased so salaciously, like she “admits” to vaping weed around her sober husband. I feel like it’s intentionally trying to make it sound like she’s doing something hurtful to him, when in the text of the article it says Dax is totally fine with it and even told her

And there are those who would claim there’s something wrong with you. Nope. You’re just not a psychic/mind-reader/fortune-teller/lottery-winner. Most humans are wired to trust people and believe them, and also to want to partner with and love someone. That’s normal. But if they just don’t exist... women need to accept

Uh, even if this is totally innocent nobody should take relationship advice from Drake. Ever.

Drake texts a 14 year old girl about boys, while also having a “friendship” with a 16 year old model who he may or may not be dating now at 18 years old.

We learned pretty quickly that apparently my daughter has diaper sensitivity (bc of course she does) and we should only use huggies, which destroyed all plans at just using Costco brand diapers. Huggies has Winnie the Pooh on them. They change up the design occasionally, but always Pooh. My daughter has no idea who

This is a brilliant idea, but Hudson Hawk was a goddamn masterpiece that went under appreciated by the philistine masses of 1991's America.

Um, the victims of sexual assault and the poor send their great thanks to you for regaining my previously misdirected pity. FFS

While a tiny smattering of female models actually make bank, the vast majority of female models make very little, and sometimes have to work for rich clients without getting paid (they get paid in “exposure” and leftover clothes). And models, no matter how high on the totem pole they are, are still subject to

I don’t care if models collect a billion dollars a year in pay, because I don’t need to buy their products, the only place I ever see Kendal Jenner is here on this blog (maybe on the cover of magazines at cash registers?)

Health Insurance executives on the other hand can suck my balls for paying themselves 8 figures a

Laughable to hear celebrity men criticize the modeling business which manufactures 90% of their girlfriends and mistresses. Not to mention that men’s images are boosted when they have an attractive woman at their side, whether as a date or a partner. But it’s society that’s wrong for paying these women, whom at the

“He’s a charming boy and all that ...”

“and all that ...” 

Lol, Granny is killing me with this incredible shade thrown into the middle of a straight-up burn!

Rich, you nailed it last night: if the director of the Oscars doesn’t know how to use a thank you speech to put life into an otherwise dull show, who would? (And really, was there a dry eye in the house? In the country? I don’t think so. )

I don’t want to ungrey this but I have to bc your take is so fucking bad, so fucking creepy, so bizarre and I feel that others need to see what an ass you are. And as for the person you responded to, I don’t get any Gomez Stan vibes, just a funny commentary on a celeb couple.

It’s infuriating how sex workers are targeted and how their portrayal in the media of how they are targeted is treated as flippant and insignificant. Even the AP tried it by changing their tweet from “women” to “prostitutes” about this event.

I got into a discussion about this case on FB today. Someone wanted to talk about how we raise our boys, and how need to teach them how to deal with their emotions.

Hi - anyone still up? I wondered whether anyone can share some words of advice, similar experiences, kind words that might help as I deal with an abusive ex.

I had to have a hard conversation with a mom I babysit about the bad creepy vibes I’ve been getting about her good friend’s husband (who is also the dad of her kid’s best friend.) I had been really nervous beforehand but it ended up going really well (as well as one of those talks can go, it would be better to not

I was waiting for Pie-pie’s craft thread, but heck, I feel like showing off my husband’s latest beadwork:

I’m finally early enough to have a chance at participating! I lurk a lot here or my comments don’t get seen because I’m responding at like 2am pacific time.