
Obligatory fuck everyone who doesn’t vaccinate their kids and instead allow them to spread diseases that could easily be fatal for my child who can not be fully vaccinated. Fuck your health privilege that allows you to get away with it while I have to sit in a hospital and hope to hell my kid makes it out of the OR.

I met him when I worked at the hospital he was fired from, where he “generated the evidence” for his claims. He was a stuck up twat who actually said to a colleague who had vaccinated her kids, that she’d regret it as they’d definitely develop autism. He is too proud and deluded to admit he was wrong (as the other

Now now, let’s not be too hasty. I think it’s important to read up on the science:

I hear this.  I cut off half my family and I regret nothing.  The number of times I have heard “but it’s FAMILY”... good lord.  Just because somebody is related to you doesn’t mean you owe them a sweet g.d. thing, least of all your time.  They can get stuffed.

I can think of approximately zero times that slagging someone to a tabloid has improved a relationship.  Also the fact that he keeps complaining about how unfair it is that he can’t make money off her makes me just a teensy bit skeptical about his motives here.

No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

It’s probably especially sensitive now since the ruling Conservative party in the UK relies on the socially-conservative DUP to remain in power right now, and they probably don’t want to hear anything about abortion right now. (In Northern Ireland, abortion is heavily restricted and there was some talk of changing

“I held my pinky out when I grabbed her buttocks, is that not polite in society these days?”

I’ve never understood that one. If a woman had a problem with me swearing, she would fucking tell me herself.

I love when sexual predators say “well I don’t know how to act around women now!”. You never did friend! That was the problem!

This grade inflation is ruining our youth’s expectations.

I appliquéd the motherfucker. I didn't think the depth of my contempt could be properly captured any other way. It's positively mediaeval.

It’s definitely both a political and economic signifier. Billie Joe Armstrong was definitely referring to rednecks as poor, white, uneducated, and culturally/politically conservative, not just poor white people who didn’t go to college.

I booked the day off work, and my train tickets to London, the moment Trump’s visit date was confirmed. I’ve been saying all along that the orange cockwomble will inevitably chicken out of coming, but after the time I put into making my protest banner last weekend, the fucker had better actually come. (I mean, I know

I turn 37 in a few months, I guess I better start looking at walkers and walk-in bathtubs.

What you are doing is illegal and you will face consequences for it eventually. 

Old family members: So when are you gonna have a baby?

If you read this and don’t vote you are shit. Not you Mr B.

But they have a purpose. They’re hostages. Children make the best hostages. The best people are saying so.