
Merriam-Webster, I love you. Pete Souza, equally love.

I know nobody’s ever going to see this wasting away down here, but I spent months working on that almost perfect Queen of Queso recipe, and I think I’ve created a better version. Anyone who, against all odds, tries this out will be pleased, I promise. It also makes a much more reasonable amount, rather than the,

As someone who suffers from both BPD and Bipolar, I was heartened by this article, and by the surprisingly compassionate, encouraging comments. Thank you, Jezebel. And thank you, Jezzies.

I agree. Tbh, reading her statement made me tear up, but in a happy way. She knew she was going to get NOTHING from the case, not money, not justice but she spoke up anyway cause she was looking out for other women and girls. She did it out of a sense of sisterhood.

I wish the feminists on Jezebel could be burdened to read this and hear you! It’s not just sexism or them being assholes. Yes if you were a white woman they’d find you annoying. But I doubt it would’ve escalated to physically following you in front of a crowd. Yes white women get attacked but when you happen to be

Thank you so much for writing about this so eloquently. I was bullied, harassed, and undermined by a coworker (white male) for two years. It was hell. He was “reprimanded” by HR, but when it continued, they seemed to just get tired of me, and I got the feeling that they thought I was being dramatic. So I didn’t even

Trans people are “bullied” constantly (though I think bullying is too weak a word for being described as perverts and abominations, and having laws specifically written to discriminate against you) and I can’t recall any of them going on a rampage.

I too was a quiet loner in school who got bullied by students and teachers, and I owned several trench coats over the years for what it’s worth. I also love video games and have gothy tendencies, but I never had the urge to inflict harm on others. Granted, I’m a woman and grew up in Europe.

If we’re going to be ruthlessly efficient about this like he wants, just develop a cultural norm where all the incels ship off to their own little island. Then they can’t kill any women. Problem solved.

Oh and here’s Catita this time last year, for your viewing pleasure:

Catalina update!

Hey kitty cats! I’m drinking Sauv Blanc after eating Indian food, which my friend and I ate after seeing the new Melissa McCarthy movie (I loved it, despite fighting off nausea from my never ending terrible stomach issues). Big week! Was on tv twice on my news program, and i have a meeting this week about working on

I heard about this but didn’t realize Jameela Jamil is Tahani in The Good Place! Now I read her Tweets in her British accent and it’s glorious.

This is all extremely accurate and this:

As a dad of three, I can offer the only advice you need to know: Everyone else’s advice is wrong when applied to your baby.

There is protocol for everything in the royal family, including the royal wedding night. The bride kneels before the prince and recites “I offer you my honor.” The prince then replies “I accept your offer.” And it goes on like that all night: “Honor, offer, honor, offer, honor, offer.”

They should actually disinvite her father and have another woman, maybe her mother, walk her down the aisle. This is going to be a non-traditional royal wedding in the sense that Meg is 1) divorced 2) black and 3) proudly atheist. I say just blow the doors off and tell her dad to shove it.

Thank you. She was pretty amazing.

Thanks for this. I’m usually okay with Mother’s Day since my mom passed away, but this one has been particularly rough. I don’t feel as if I can share with my siblings because as parents, there’s still some active celebration to the day for them that I don’t want to dampen yet can’t quite muster this year. Lots of